Saturday 6 November 2021

The calling of Abraham

 Terah was a descendant of Shem, one of Noah’s three sons. Terah also had three sons, one of whom was Abraham. While Terah and his family lived in Ur, the Lord appeared to Abraham. He told him, “Leave your country, your father’s family, and go to a new land that I will show you. I will bless you, make you into a great nation, and bring a blessing to all people through you.” (The promise to bless all people was ultimately fulfilled through Jesus Christ, a descendant of Abraham.)

After God had spoken to Abraham, Terah moved his family to Haran. Abraham lived in Haran for several years, though the city was not in the land God had promised him. After the death of his father, Abraham moved to Canaan with his wife, Sarah, and his nephew Lot.

At this time, in the Promised Land, Abraham had to live like a nomad, moving from place to place because the Canaanites occupied the parts of the land that were fertile. God appeared to Abraham a second time and again promised his descendants would possess the land. Abraham worshiped the Lord by building a stone altar.

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