Tuesday 2 April 2024

Life of Christ part 26

John 1.15-28

While Jesus was in the Judean desert facing Satan’s temptations, John the Baptist continued to carry out his prophetic work. He continued to testify to Jesus' identity as the long awaited Messiah and Saviour. Some had assumed that John would be that Messiah, or that he was Elijah, or perhaps some other unique prophet who would assume a great role of leadership among God’s people. John denied any such associations. He simply described himself as a voice in the desert who was preparing the way for the Lord. By referring to Jesus as ‘Lord’, quoting from a prophecy in Isaiah 40.3 that referred to God, John was identifying Jesus as much more than a man. Jesus is God in the flesh. John continued to assure the people that Jesus, the One who would come after him, was by far the greater of the two.


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