Sunday 26 September 2021

Matter day4

 Because physical matter is actually a part of God’s creation, we should receive it as a gift from Him. We are free to savour it as it is, without needing to “Christianise” it by stamping a Bible verse on it, hoping to make it suitable for Christian consumption. If God created it, we can safely assume it’s okay to enjoy in its proper context. 

No one should enjoy the outdoors more than Christians do. Whether you prefer the mountains or the beach or the desert, get out there and take a walk or plant a garden or have a picnic with the kids. And while you’re out, give thanks to God. 

Or go to the movies, a museum or a concert. No one should enjoy art more than Christians do. Don’t think the art has to be overtly Christian, either. It need not be proclamational for it to be enjoyable. It doesn’t need to have an altar call at the end for it to be worthwhile, because when filmmakers or artists or musicians create, they are reflecting the creative impulse of the Creator, in whose image they are made. 

There are certain things Christians should give up because they’re wrong and they lead us in the wrong direction. But we can enjoy the work of God’s hands. In fact, some Christians of old said it this way. Our first responsibility as humans is to find pleasure in God’s world — to know God and enjoy Him forever. 

Maybe you connect with God when you’re up to your wrists in top-soil or up to your ankles in sand and saltwater. Maybe you find the most peace dropping a fishing line in the tall reeds at the far edge of the pond or hiking the trails up to the moorland. Maybe it’s listening to The Proms playing Mozart or staring at The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. 

However you connect with God most deeply, take a moment to thank Him for His amazing creation. Be grateful that He put you here to enjoy real things. 

And remember this. If God were unable to come into contact with physical matter, He couldn’t have come in the flesh. He couldn’t have participated in a bodily resurrection, and He couldn’t have any fellowship with you. Aren’t you glad that He did, and aren’t you glad that He does? 




Lord of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, Your Word affirms the beauty, glory, marvels and goodness of Your created order. The heavens declare Your majesty and power, and it is through Your creation that You have revealed Your invisible attributes, Your eternal power and divine nature to all people. The earth is full of Your possessions, and in wisdom You have made them all. The heavens and earth abound with resplendent wonders on every level, including the fearfully and wonderfully made human body. May I learn to enjoy and praise You through the splendours of Your creation, and may I celebrate Your goodness in the many gifts of this life, such as food and fellowship, as well as great art, music and literature that have been crafted by Your image-bearers. All of life is spiritual, whether material or immaterial, and I will worship You in all things. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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