Saturday 25 June 2022

Psalm 10

 Why the seeming chasm between us?

God, can You see how much we need You?

Prideful hustlers prey on poor families,

they flaunt obscene lifestyles, kiss up to

landlords, warlords; they curse You, despise

your law. Fat-cats brag “Nothing scares us.”

Bigwigs talk big, pile on threats and lies.

Cronies bully women, hurt children,

safety nets are severed while dragnets

keep ensnaring innocent weaklings.

Sneaky thieves assume You are blind, God.

Heaven, hear and rescue beaten ones.

Why permit perpetrators’ curses

with boasts that You will never judge them?

All-Seeing One, You see the suffering!

Weigh each groan and teardrop, for victims

depend on You. Break evildoers’

power, call them to account. Divine

Judge, You rule the Universe in Peace,

violent empires have no future.

Loving God, You draw close to those who

yearn for shelter, water, food, freedom.

You move us to care, to encourage,

to advocate for abandoned ones.

No more fear of humans or demons.

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