Friday 24 June 2022

Psalm 9

 With heart-driven poems we long to praise You.

Celebrating Your astounding actions

we rejoice in Your majestic presence.

May our songs trumpet Your supreme honour.

Accusers give up their case against us,

stunned to face You, Defender of Justice.

Divine One, do You devastate nations

and decimate vengeful, vicious people?

All-Viewing One, You always judge justly,

shelter outcasts, safeguard troubled masses.

God, to know You is to trust You, the One

Who never turns from those who look for You.

You remember and punish bloodshed,

never overlook mistreated people.

God, look on us today in Your Mercy,

draw us from the panicked brink of despair.

May we freely publicise Your Kindness,

thriving in Your Ever-Living power.

Let God-denying regimes self-destruct,

lost in labyrinths designed to trap others.

Your Justice is famous. Wily leaders

who forget You die and are forgotten.

You never forget one needy person

but offer Hope to each soul that suffers.

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