Tuesday 18 October 2022

A prayer for the nappy changers

 Ah Lord, what a mess we sometimes make of our lives!

What a tragic comedy is even our most sincere attempt to merit righteousness on our own. 

We are no more able to render ourselves holy than this child to keep itself unsoiled. 

I am as dependent upon your grace and your own righteousness, O Christ, to justify and make me clean, as this dear one is dependent upon me to wash the residue of filth from its skin, wrapping it again in soft fresh padding.

Let me not be frustrated by the constant repetition of this necessary act on behalf of a child. 

Rather, let the daily doing of this be a reminder to me, of the constant cleansing and covering of my own sin, that I – helpless as this young one and more often in need – enjoy in the active mercies of Christ.


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