Monday 3 April 2023

Lent 2023 post 20 (Because... I)

 Jesus, because You left Your throne in Heaven and came to Earth to be a suffering servant, I am confident that You understand the human condition with its hurts and temptations as well as its joys.

Because You spent Your life teaching and healing and forgiving and loving, I know You care about me. You came to restore me to wholeness.

Because of Your triumphant, though humble, entry into Jerusalem, I know that You are a servant King. I know that You are familiar with mankind’s fickleness, shouts of Hallelujah can turn into cries of Crucify. (Forgive me when I am fickle.)

Because You overturned the tables of the money changers and traders in the Temple, I know that You are passionate about the holiness of God, that reverence matters. (May I hold You in the holy esteem that You deserve)

Because You were bold before the accusing religious leaders, I know that honesty and authenticity matter. I know there are times to speak up even when it is uncomfortable or even dangerous 

Because You washed the disciples’ feet, I know that humble service, even to those who don’t deserve it, is what You desire

Because You instituted a sacrament of remembrance, I know that we must remember Your sacrifice for us, that we must take it lightly or think about more pleasant things 

Because You agonized in Gethsemane, I know that You understand how deeply things can hurt us, how we can be paralyzed by fear.

Because You asked Your Father to let the cup pass from You, I know it is all right to express my desires, to be honest about my fears, to ask for Your intervention.

Because You desired the Father’s will above Your own, I know that that’s what I am called to do. I know I can’t do that on my own but that You are able and willing to help me seek God’s will in all things

Because You submitted willingly to the ridiculous arrest by an armed mob and to several preposterous trails, I know that You know what it means to submit to God’s will even when it is difficult

Because You were quiet during Your trials and didn’t take issue with any of the false charges, I know that there are times when I should be quiet and not justify my actions even when falsely accused. (Help me to discern when it is time to speak out and when it is time to be quiet.)

Because You forgave Peter after his denial, seeking him out and reinstating him, I know You forgive freely, even obnoxious sins. (Thank You for forgiving my obnoxious sins.)

Because Your focus was primarily on others as You hung on the torturous cross, I know You truly came to save the lost and that You love me at all costs.

Because the Temple curtain split in two from top to bottom when You died, I know that because of You I now have access to the Father, my sins are covered and forgiven and I can approach God without fear!

And because death could not hold You, because You rose from the dead and appeared to over five hundred people, I know that You are alive and that Easter is not just a one day celebration! Because You rose from the dead, I will too! Death is defeated! God is victorious!

Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for giving me life, physical life, abundant life, and eternal life!  

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