Friday 31 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 19

 John 20.1-18

Jesus and Death were fighting 

Jesus was on a rough, crude cross 

To all who were there watching

It appeared that Jesus had lost 

His body was lifeless and mangled 

And Passover Sabbath was coming soon 

So they took Him down and wrapped Him up 

And sadly sealed Him in a tomb 


We disciples were cautiously hiding

We thought it best to lay low 

We were Jesus’s closest friends 

Were we safe? We just didn’t know 

Mary, a follower of Jesus 

Went to anoint Him on the third day 

And when she arrived 

She was astounded to see the stone rolled away!

She found that the tomb was empty 

She ran quickly to us with the word

His precious body had been removed 

Where had they taken her Lord?

So Peter and I ran to check it out 

How could this possibly be?

I got there first and waited outside 

When Peter arrived, he went in to see

We saw the grave linens lying there 

With the cloth that had covered His head

With joy and hope I finally believed

Jesus had risen from the dead!

I finally understood Scripture 

This was all a part of God’s plan 

Jesus had suffered and bled and died 

But now He was alive again 


I came to anoint my Master and Lord 

Quite early in the day 

You can imagine my utter surprise 

When I saw the stone rolled away!

I ran to tell the disciples the tomb

Where He’d been laid was bare!

Someone had taken my Lord away

They’d hidden His body and I didn’t know where 

Peter and John came quickly 

They went in and looked around 

But when they came out they said little 

They just hurried back into town 

Sadly I stooped and looked in the tomb 

Two angels sat where He’d been lying 

One at the head and one at the feet 

They asked why I was crying 

Then I noticed someone else 

He was standing close behind 

He also asked why I cried 

In a voice concerned and kind

I hadn’t seen Him arrive 

The gardener I assumed 

I explained I’d come to see Jesus 

But His body wasn’t in the tomb

I wanted to anoint Him

But where He was I did not know 

I would go and get His body 

If I just knew where to go 

It wasn’t until He called my name 

Mary, just that one word

That I knew just Who He was 

He was my Master and my Lord 

Then He sent me to tell His brothers 

I ran fast, eager to arrive 

I could hardly wait to tell them


Yes, Jesus and Death fought it out on the cross 

And Death was proud he had won

But this was just a skirmish in the war for salvation 

And the victory belonged to God’s dear Son!

Death was defeated with the resurrection 

No longer a daunting enemy 

For those who have chosen to trust in Christ 

Will live with Him through eternity!

Jesus, I’m overcome with gratitude

On Your pierced body I lovingly gaze

I will arise and proclaim Your victory 

I will rejoice and shout out my praise!

Jesus didn’t do anything quite like the Jews expected. They expected a Messiah who would be a triumphant deliverer. Jesus entered the world humbly as a baby born to working-class parents. Their Messiah would break their yoke to the Romans. Jesus avoided the political arena. They probably assumed He would embrace their elevated stature and importance in the religious community. Jesus upbraided them for their hypocrisy and embraced sinners instead. And when they had Him executed, Jesus wouldn’t stay dead.

Because of His resurrection, we’re delivered, not politically but personally and eternally. No more fear of death, we share in His resurrection! What about the dry places in our lives now where we feel defeated, maybe even dead? Jesus wants to restore, renew, and revive! The future? Death has lost its sting because it can not claim us. We were created to live with the Lord forever! Thank God! We are Easter people! Let’s embrace that truth and live like it!

Lord Jesus, no words can express my wonder, my love, my joy. You gave Your life to pay for my sin so that I don’t have to pay with mine. And then You rose in victory, victory over evil, over death, over despair. I praise You. I want to surrender my life to You. I can never repay what You’ve done for me, but I can respond to You and Your sacrifice with faith, joy, and obedience. You’re ALIVE! Live big in me!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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