Thursday 8 June 2023

A prayer for those who care

Oh Healer and Restorer of life, we are weary

You have called us into work that, at times, feels like more than we can bear

We have sat at bedsides and breakfast tables, in hospital rooms and clinics

Witnessing the persistent cycle of sickness and healing

Only to come home exhausted and discouraged

God of Jacob, cast Your gaze upon us

You promised that when we pass through the waters, You will be with us

And though the rivers rage, they will not overwhelm us

And though we walk through fire, we will not be burned

But we have only so much energy

Only so much compassion

Only so much endurance

To carry on in our own strength

Therefore, God of all comfort, turn and be gracious to us, for we cry to You and only You

Refuge and Strength, renew our trust in You until we mount up with wings like eagles

When we are empty, would You lead us to Your wellspring of living water

When we are hopeless, would You lift up our eyes to see the unseen

When we are lonely, would You give us life-giving communities to remind us that we are not enduring alone

Would You heal the sick, both physically and spiritually, as they cope with their unique and painful maladies

Would You give us the words to comfort those who are grieving

Would You give us wisdom to discern the best treatments and ways to serve

Would You grant us perseverance even as we are burning out and daily bearing the suffering of others

Even now, we wait for You more than watchmen wait for morning 

Even now, we learn the way of gentleness through Your humble heart

Even now, we hope in a better future, believing You are making all things new

Even now, we are oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of Your splendour 

Oh God who holds our times in Your hand

We ask that You hasten pain and suffering to a swift end

May a period of rest, peace, and bounty follow

When the days of mourning have ceased and life is restored

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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