Friday 6 October 2023

God is immutable

Someone said that the only thing in life that’s consistent is change. How true! Our children change, growing up and going out faster than we can imagine. Our bodies change with age. Styles change. Technology changes constantly. The computer you buy today is obsolete tomorrow. Whole nations change. While change is often beneficial, sometimes change is destructive. The rust on your car or the broken pipe in your basement is a testimony to destructive change. Our society’s slide into immorality is a change that’s troubling to many Christians and non-Christians alike.

With change everywhere around us, we need something, someone on whom we can depend. That someone is God. While God’s creation is changing, God Himself never changes. He is immutable.

Think about it for a moment. If God were to change, He’d either have to become better or worse. Since God is perfect, He cannot change for the worse, nor can He change for the better. He’s already perfect. Therefore, God by His very nature cannot change.

The immutability of God is a source of comfort to us in our changing world. Just try to imagine what life would be like if God were fickle, constantly changing in nature. One day He might be loving and the next day He could be cruel. He might honour honesty today and lying tomorrow. Who could depend on a God whose nature is constantly in flux? But the God of the Bible is unchanging.

In contrast to this changing world, Psalm 102.27 says of God, “But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” In Malachi 3.6, God declared, “I the Lord do not change.” According to James 1.17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Aren’t you glad that God doesn’t change? He always loves us, even when we fail to see His love in the middle of our difficult circumstances. He’s faithful even when we’re unfaithful. He keeps His promises, including His promise to save all who call on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus Christ, because He's God, is immutable. Hebrews 13.8 states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He never changes. He always accepts those who accept Him by faith. He always forgives our sins when we confess them to Him.

In the middle of an unpredictable, changing world, why not put your faith in the unchanging, immutable, faithful God of the Bible? Invite Jesus Christ into your heart today, and keep trusting Him. He will never let you down.

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