Tuesday 2 January 2024

Life of Christ part 14 Luke 2.22-24

Luke 2.22-24

In addition to circumcision, Jewish law also required that parents consecrate their firstborn sons, that is, present their firstborn to the Lord for His purposes. This act of consecration took place at the same time that the mother was to present an offering at the Temple for her own purification. Mary and Joseph, still living in Bethlehem, made the six-mile journey to Jerusalem to perform these rites about forty days after Jesus’ birth. There at the Temple, Mary presented her purification offering. Her offering, a pair of doves or pigeons, indicates that Mary and Joseph were considered to be among the poor in the land, since only the poor could present such meagre offerings for purification. Although Mary and Joseph were poor in material possessions, they were rich in faith. Carrying the infant Jesus to the Temple must have been a joy for this devout couple. Incidentally, this was Jesus first visit to the Temple, but it would not be His last! One day years later Jesus would march through that same Temple area, overturning the tables of moneychangers and upholding the holiness of worship. The Temple would indeed see Jesus again and again.

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