Thursday 18 January 2024

Life of Christ part24 Matthew 3.13-17, Mark 1.9-11, Luke 3.21-22

 Matthew 3.13-17, Mark 1.9-11, Luke 3.21-22

One day while John was carrying out his prophetic ministry and baptising converts in the Jordan River, Jesus arrived on the scene. He went to John to be baptised, not because He had any need to repent but so that He could be identified with John’s message and ministry. Although they had likely never met, John recognised Jesus as the promised Messiah. He insisted that he was unworthy of baptising Jesus, but Jesus persisted. So John baptised Jesus. At the moment that Jesus came up out of the waters of baptism, heaven was opened, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Him, and a voice from heaven trumpeted, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Here we see the triune God, the Father speaking from heaven, the Son submitting to baptism, and the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus. God was initiating a wonderful and powerful work on earth.

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