Wednesday 3 January 2024

Life of Christ part 15 Luke 2.25-35

 Luke 2.25-35

While Mary and Joseph were at the Temple to perform the rites of purification and consecration they experienced two surprising encounters. Their first encounter was with a man named Simeon. Simeon was an elderly man whom God had promised would see the Messiah before his death. On the very day that Jesus was consecrated, the Holy Spirit of God moved Simeon to visit the Temple. There, Simeon saw Jesus. He took the baby in his arms and offered a prayer of praise to God for fulfilling His promise. Simeon had seen the Messiah, the One who would bring salvation to God’s people. Simeon then reassured Mary that Jesus would accomplish great things for God, but also warned Mary that she would experience great pain in the process. In fact, Mary did later experience enormous pain. She saw her precious son nailed to a cross. This mother’s amazement at Simeon’s words would one day be surpassed by her agony, only to be surpassed once again by joy when Jesus would rise from the dead. 

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