Wednesday 16 August 2023

Bad thinking

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, be he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26.3


A story


Another bill reads, past due, sitting at your rickety table held together with cable ties, you plop the envelope on the other past due bills. You can’t pay them all and will have to decide which one not to pay this month. You stand up, throw your hands in the air, and shout, “I’ll never get out of this hole! I’m too dumb to get a good job! My parents are broke. I didn’t have squat growing up. And I don’t have anything now!”

Nose-diving into your couch, you ruminate on not having a good job, a nice car, or house. You work yourself into an angry fit, crying into a pillow. You want a better life, but fear and bad thinking have hijacked your belief system.

You’re constantly thinking and saying terrible things about yourself, things you’d never say about someone else. You’re pessimistic, speak curses over your life, and believe if the worst can happen, it will. You continue to weep in misery, believing your life will never change.


A letter from God


My Promising Child,

When you feel like you’re not good enough, it’s because you’re thinking, ‘I’m not good enough'. Negative thinking and self-talk create feelings of false representations of my truth. The truth is, in me, you’re perfect. What I think and say about you is fact. I’m the judge, King of kings and Lord of lords. Because of your will, what you think in your heart is what you become. Your thoughts are the steering wheel of your life. Do you want to go on a pleasant, happy trip or be hijacked.

You can end up where you allow your thoughts to take you, or you can think your life into the direction you want to go. Are driving to the beautiful ocean of peace, relaxation, and reliance on me, or are you driving to the dry driving to the dry desert of negativity, scepticism, and fear?

Take the wheel of your thoughts and exit off the dirt road of negative self-talk. My highway of thinking will take you to freedom and peace, and you’ll travel places you never dreamed of.


A scripture


Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.

Ephesians 4.23


A prayer


God, I tend to think of the worst-case scenario. Help me remember your promises of peace and a sound mind as I keep my mind on your good works and thoughts for me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




1.      What bad thoughts and negative self-talk can you eliminate from your vocabulary?¹


2.      Instead of the above, what positive things can you think and say?²


3.      You can think yourself into a good mood or a bad mood, a good situation or a bad situation. Where are you heading today? Where are your thoughts driving you?


May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19.14


God is hopeful and uplifting. What you think about and speak is important to him and should drive you to think and speak optimistically, especially when feeling negative. Your feelings will eventually catch up to your uplifting thoughts and words. Don’t give up. Stay consistent.


¹Thoughts that demean or tear you down, thoughts that disqualify you from anything good God has for you, thoughts that you don’t deserve good things. (No one does. God’s grace covers us.) Think of more and write them down. Practice removing them from your vocabulary.


²The exact opposite of what you would normally negatively say and think. Practice saying positive things about yourself, your family, and your life. Use Scriptures, as these are swords of the Spirit.

Tuesday 15 August 2023


“No, no, no, this isn’t happening! This is wrong. Something is wrong! This isn’t right! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!” Rejecting terrible news that must be a mistake, you protest in desperation, “They’re alive and well. They’re going to live a long happy life! There are too many things for them to do and become!” You coil into a ball and whisper, “They’re supposed to live a long life. They’re too young, so young.”

Realising this event is in fact happening, your heart and strength fail as your knees hit the floor under great heaviness. You question, “Why is this happening?” Guilt consumes you. “I could’ve done something. This isn’t fair!” You plead, “Please. I'll do anything. Tell me this isn’t real!” A tangible darkness accompanies the heaviness. You feel hopeless and lost.


A letter from God


My Understanding Child,

Don’t be afraid or dismayed about death. Don’t fear uncertainty. I’m here with you. When terrible things occur, understand that I did not cause them.

When Job suffered trials devised by the devil, he vowed to worship me whether in good times or in bad. My love for Job was deep. Though he lost all his children to death, his home, all he owned, even his honour, he still didn’t by blaming me.

Despite the horror around him, he continued to trust and believe that I’m a good God. He persevered through anguish and sorrow. I rescued him from the Enemy, his grief, and torment. I blessed him with an abundance that far outweighed his loss. His children, though killed, are spiritually alive and remain with me.

He drew closer to me and our relationship thrived. There is hope in me. Earth isn’t the end. Heaven is the end. There are worse things than dying. Death of the body frees the spirit (the true person) living within the walls of that body and allows them to be fully alive for all of eternity. To be absent from the body is to be present with me, I have your loved one. My kingdom is far greater than earth. You’re a foreigner on earth, this isn’t your home. Your home is my kingdom of glory. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what I’ve prepared for those who love me.

Despite the horror you’re walking through or know you’re going to walk through, I’m good, and I’m good to you. If you’ll let me, I’ll always heal your heart, comfort you, and fill the emptiness left behind by grief and loss until you’re reunited with your loved one in my kingdom.


A scripture


As an exampl of patience in the face of suffering, we count as blessed those who persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

James 5.10-11


A prayer


God, I feel lost in a sea of questions, grief, and sorrow. A sea made of my own tears. I believe you hold the answers and will tell me one day, even if that day is in heaven. As for today, help me see that you have a beautiful purpose that far outweighs my grief. I choose to believe that you love me, will heal me, and help me live a joyous life as I look forward to seeing my loved one again.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




You didn’t lose your loved one, you know where and who they’re with, they’re spiritually alive with Jesus in his kingdom. There’s no better place to be!

How can you celebrate your loved one?¹


For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down, we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands.

2 Corinthians 5.1


If your loved one wasn’t saved, the Lord’s mercy is so great, that in times in transition from to death, there’s always a chance that a conversation, or a thought given offer a chance for forgiveness and acceptance in Christ. There’s always hope.


¹Keep your mind focused on the positive impact your loved one had on you and others. Celebrate the difference they made, the beauty, fun, enjoyment, and love they blessed you with. Delight in the good things they brought into your life and into others, despite how short that life may have been. Honour their memory by keeping it alive through living a full life that they would want you to have.

Monday 14 August 2023


Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong, fear not! Behold your God will come with vengeance, with recompense of God. He will come and save you.”

Isaiah 35.4


A story


Without warning, you feel intense, impending doom. Your mind shrieks, ‘Something bad is going to happen!’ Fear squeezes your heart, and it begins beating at F1 speeds. The sounds tolerable just moments ago become blaring sirens. Your throat spasms, threatening to suffocate you. Fighting for breath, you become dizzy. Waves of dreadful fright bash you with hurricane force. Heavy horror surrounds you, closing in, there’s no escape. You’re petrified and sinking under the weight as your mind screams in terror, ‘I'm going to die!’


A letter from God


My Precious Child,

When fear and anxiety attack, reach out to me. I’m the true safety you ask. I’ll rescue you from the terror that comes upon your heart, for your heart belongs to me.

Peter, a disciple of Jesus, knew the feelings. He and the disciples were in a boat when a ferocious storm of deadly consequence quickly rose against them. With all their might, they fought in the dark, through the battering wind and waves, to stay alive.

Miraculously, Jesus was walking on the water. He asked Peter to come to him. In unprecedented faith, Peter stepped out. Even more miraculously, he too walked on the water! As quick as lightning, his bravery and joy turned to peril when he felt the blustering wind and the violent, crashing waves. Though close to Jesus, Peter was away from the safety of the boat. Panic struck him.

His faith in Jesus quickly turned to doubt when he thought his circumstances were bigger than his God. Consequently, Peter began to sink. He cried out to Jesus, who immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him from the watery depths to safety. Like Peter, reach for my hand of safety. Put your trust in my love, for I not only give it, but I am love.

This is where I long to be, generously pouring out my Spirit on you, protecting, and loving you. Though your emotions roar and you feel out of control, your physical body's reactions don’t reflect truth, I am truth, and I’ll calm the ominous waves of emotions that torment you.

Turn to me and the safety of my unrivalled love for you. I myself will take you by the hand, pull you out of the depths of emotional pain, rescue you from the stronghold of anxiety in your mind, and tenderly comfort you.


A Scripture


Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort me and make me glad.

Psalm 94.19


A prayer


God, I’m frequently attacked by anxiety and need a Saviour.  Thank you that you are more powerful than anxiety and its emotional and physical manifestations. When anxiety attacks, immediately pull me to safety from its depths with your all-powerful, loving, and saving hand.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




1 Anxiety is not from God. It’s entered your heart through fear, worry, or trauma at some point in your life, likely through no fault of your own.

What brings on, causes, or triggers anxiety when it strikes you? Write down your triggers and why you think they give you anxiety.


2 What are some Scriptures that you can personalize and call to mind when anxiety attacks you?


Saturday 12 August 2023


I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.

Psalm 34.4


A story


The hospital monitors light up like fireworks, flashing and alarming that your loved one is in danger. In angst, you cling to your husband as you witness controlled chaos in the paediatric trauma bay in the emergency department.

Like a scene from a movie, the multitude of healthcare workers move swiftly with precision, performing life-saving tasks on your little one. Leaders shout orders, but the most important doctor’s order is, “Save this precious life!”

Precious indeed! That’s your child!

You look at your darling child and close your eyes. Calming your frantic emotions, you collect your thoughts and gather the knowledge of God and his healing power from the deepest recesses of your heart. Uncertainty and fear shout in your heart a barrage of “what if’s.” Ignoring them, you continue to pull from your heart what little you can recall from his word, wishing you would’ve read it more often. Your thoughts turn to God, “I know you can heal, Lord, but will you?”

You hear the trauma surgeon call out, “They’re not responding to the fluids. Infuse two units of O negative blood stat!”

Fear violently sweeps over you, flooding your mind with thoughts that God won’t answer your plea for help to save your child. Panic squeezes tighter, overwhelming you, making you contemplate punching the unrelenting doctor in front of you in the throat. You ask God to forgive you for such thoughts and plead for his help. You just want to see your child alive.


A letter from God


My Brave Child, 

Accept my great waves of love and peace, godly love so strong and passionate, that your heart can’t contain the fullness of it. Waves of my healing grace will collide with your fearful thoughts, mightily washing them away. You believe that I can, but you’re afraid that I won’t. Perfect love dissolves fear. It did for a precious man who had leprosy.

He was forsaken, stripped of dignity, and cast aside as trash. This deadly skin disease was transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. Law required he yell “Unclean!” when approaching people, publicly degrading himself. He was despised and banned from the community, but I loved him deeply.

He was forbidden to touch or be touched, but he was desperate and running out of time. Leprosy was killing him. He fell at the feet of Jesus and worshipped, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Reaching out his tender hand of healing and compassion, Jesus touched him and said, “I am willing!” And instantly the leprosy was completely washed away.

He was fearful that I wasn’t willing to heal, fearful that I wasn’t willing to touch him in his worst condition, fearful that he wasn’t worthy. My love outrivals all fear, no matter the type. I defeated fear. In my word I lovingly said, “Don’t be afraid.” One “don’t be afraid” phrase for each day of the year, including leap year.


A Scripture


You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.”

Lamentations 3.57


A Prayer


God, Sometimes fear cripples me like it did the man with leprosy. Cleanse my mind and revive my trust, enable me to renounce all fear leaking into my heart, give me courage to plug the leak through the name of Jesus Christ who gives me power and authority over fear. Whether fear comes as a trickle or a tsunami, remind me that your perfect love casts out fear and that I’m safe in your love.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen.




Belief in God’s Word is a deposit to receive God’s faithful promises and provision.


1.     How can knowing and believing in God’s will for you to live without fear change your thinking?¹


In loving someone, you trust and believe them. When you believe God’s love for you, it washes away fear because you have no concern. You’ll believe the word of God is true; that he loves you unconditionally, he’ll never hurt you. He knows the end from the beginning; he strongly desires to work out everything for your good and has nothing but phenomenal promises for you.


2.     How can accepting God’s pure, holy, and unrivalled love erase fear in your life?


3.     How would you live if you believed the above statement to its fullest extent? Write down what that would look like. Imagine yourself living that life, then boldly live it!



¹ Understand that not every story or experience has a happy ending, but he brings recompense, whether it’s here or in heaven. You can trust and believe God’s process of healing that only he can accomplish. You can’t do it by yourself. You need him.



Friday 11 August 2023


May you experience the love of Christ though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Ephesians 3.19


A story


Your husband stepped out and joined himself with a stranger. You gave him your love, your everything, but he gave his heart to another, another who supposedly had prayed for your marriage, yet she was the wolf in sheep's clothing who ripped your marriage apart. Kindness flowed from lips until you knew her secret, then poison spewed from her mouth, “He pretends to love you for the sake of the kids. It’s your fault. He’s not attracted to you.”

Feeling deceived and betrayed, unintentionally, your mindset and self-perception change. You become fearful, self-despising, and a victim. Pain ravages your emotions and panic attacks are a daily occurrence. Self-hatred convinces you that it’s all your fault and this is your punishment. Believing you’re unlovable and hideous, you reject love and friendship, assuming all gestures of kindness are fake. You’re a master of hiding sorrow and appearing happy, no one knows you’re an isolated prisoner of misery.


A letter from God


Sweet Loved One,

My love for you is perfect. It’s extravagant and has no rival. I am love and can’t help but love you. I thoughtfully and delicately fashioned you, and I did an amazing job. I never make a mistake.

I’m the artist who painted the luminous northern lights and taught them to dance. You, my child, are much more glorious than the northern lights. You shine for me, stunning and spectacular. You can’t earn my love, and you can’t lose my love. Though you may fail, my love will not. You are worth loving. Never place the entirety of your love and trust upon anyone except me. Only I can complete you, not your spouse, family member, no one. The add love and value but are incapable of loving you perfectly. There’s always failure or deficiency in human love. I alone am worthy of your complete love and trust.

Keep giving and receiving love. If your heart becomes torn, I’ll delicately mend the pieces and make you whole again. You are safe to love and be loved when you put your trust in me.


A Scripture


And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

Ephesians 3.18


A prayer


God, I mistakenly put my full confidence and love in people, no human is capable of meeting these expectations. I’ve been deeply hurt by the consequences. Help me to love and receive love despite human imperfection. Remind me to only give my entire love, trust, and self to you, as you’re the keeper of my heart and will never fail me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.




1 Do you want freedom to fearlessly love and be loved?¹


I have heard your prayer and seen your tears, I will heal you.

2 Kings 20.5


2 Love forgives without finding fault. Even while torturously hanging on the cross, taking all sin upon himself, Jesus still asked God to forgive his abusers.² Who do you need to forgive today?³


¹God knows your most intimate pain. Ask him to heal you and believe his faithfulness that he has healed you right where you are in your current condition. Afterward, you may not feel anything, and that’s all right. What matters is God’s promise that if you ask, you will receive.

²Choose to forgive those who failed to protect your heart. Though you may not feel like it, choosing to forgive puts a demand on your heart to come into agreement with God. This for you and your healing, not for the other person. God himself will deal with the offense.

³If that person doesn’t immediately come to mind, ask the Holy Spirit. Then say “Father, I forgive _____________. I drown their sin in the blood of Jesus. I release myself from bondage because of my unforgiveness. I take them to the court of heaven and allow the justice of God to prevail over them in this situation.”


It is a fearful and terrifying thing to fall the hands of the living God.

Hebrews 10.31

Thursday 10 August 2023


But when God our Saviour revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

Titus 3.4-7


A story


You and your spouse are distant. Hectic schedules keep you from seeing each other. You’re both doing great things for your family, friends, and community. You’re up to your eyeballs in church activities. Yet you feel alone and unfulfilled.

A new manager at work publicly commends you. As you’re sitting at your desk, feeling good about yourself, he invites you to lunch to review work ideas. You go, then go again, and again. Flirtatious smiles and affectionate conversations melt away professionalism.  Now you have feelings, deep feelings  that evolve into lustful actions.

You cross a line.

You know it’s wrong, and you want to stop. Fearfully you cry out, “How can God forgive me?” You love God, and you love your spouse. Fear of unforgiveness drowns hope. You desperately want to reach out to God but feel tainted and filthy, covered in the pungent stench of sin.


A letter from God


My Forgiven Child,

When you are shivering, soaked with the world’s polluted waters of sin, I long to warmly embrace you. Let me renew, love, and comfort you while I gently wash away the contamination of fear, shame, and guilt, and make you clean.  Let my purifying love wash over you. I am an eternal waterfall that never runs dry, always falling for you, loving you, showering you with my mercy, grace, and forgiveness.

Just as the woman found in the act of adultery was thrown at Jesus’s feet to be stoned, was forgiven of many sins, I forgive you! Jesus forgave her sins, and she showed him extravagant love when, kneeling at his dusty feet, she wept and cleansed her tears with her hair. She repeatedly kissed his feet, gratefully weeping, while anointing them with rare perfume.

My child, you’ve been made holy and forgiven for all time through the finished work of Jesus. Stand under me with arms wide open while I saturate your being with who I am. My love for you is fresh and new every moment. Live in the never ending, purifying waterfall of my love and forgiveness today!


A Scripture


Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Hebrews 9.14


A Prayer


God, multiple times a day, every day, I miss your mark of performing perfectly. I try to live up to your standards, but without the eternal flow of your forgiveness, I can’t be forgiven nor can I live forgiven because I can’t pay the wages of sin. I praise Jesus for paying my debt and being the perfect sacrifice for my sin, continually purifying me forever.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




1 How can you live in the waterfall of God’s forgiveness and love every day?¹


And in accordance with this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 10.10

2 How does the above Scripture statement make you feel about yourself and your relationship with your forgiving Father?


There’s a great difference between Adam’s sin and God’s gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ.

Romans 5.15

3 Does knowing you’re forgiven for all time provoke you to want to sin, or does it inspire you to want to live a holy life? Do you feel thankful for the grace to live an imperfect life before a forgiving and merciful God?



¹When you sin, and you will, because no one’s performance is perfect except Jesus’s, turn from that sin, verbally renounce it, and ask God for his forgiveness. Then picture yourself standing under God’s waterfall of forgiveness and praise him for rescuing you from sin and death.

When you know in your heart that you are covered by grace and are in permanent right standing with God, guilt and shame will leave.

Wednesday 9 August 2023


You have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”

Romans 8.15


A story


David loved his best friend, Jonathan, like a brother. He made a blood promise to Jonathan to always show love and care to him and his family. Jonathan was King Saul's son. Saul hated and fervently pursued David to kill him.

Later, Jonathan and King Saul fought side by side in battle. King Saul witnessed his son slain by the enemy. Knowing that his own capture was imminent, he committed suicide by falling on his own sword, an event that ushered in God’s promise to David to be king of Israel, just as the prophet Samuel proclaimed as he anointed David when he was but a teenager.

Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, was the last of King Saul’s lineage and a mere toddler. Saul’s servant, fearing the new king would kill Mephibosheth, rushed him to Lo-Debar, but fell along the way, crippling the child. Mephibosheth grew up in Lo-Debar, a lowly desolate place.  When grown, his value and self-esteem was lower than garbage. Remembering his promise to always love and show kindness to Jonathan’s family, David brought Mephibosheth to the palace.

Believing the lie that David wanted to kill him, Mephibosheth cowered in fear and self-loathing. However, David accepted him as his own family. All of Saul’s former land and treasures were restored to Mephibosheth. He ate at King David’s table the rest of his days, despite his crippled state, and enjoyed the glory of the king’s house.

Like Mephibosheth, you may be living in Lo-Debar, feeling condemned, ostracised, alone, belonging to no one. You put on a facade that you’re all right, yet you live in fear, crippled with feelings of rejection.


A letter from God


My Fully Accepted Prince/ss,

You’ve been brought before the King of all Kings. You’re not condemned, you’re the accepted, the righteousness of God. Jesus gave his life in place of yours, justifying and accepting you.

The moment you believe and receive Jesus, his death, and resurrection, your spirit become complete! The tainted bloodline from Adam that you inherited is removed, and your spiritual veins are infused with the saving blood of Jesus.

I fully and unconditionally accept you. No one can condemn you, not even you, for Jesus intercedes for you as a defending lawyer does in a court of law. The Holy Spirit marked you with a seal that you’re my child whom I love. Now, you can call me Abba, the most affectionate term in Aramaic to call a father, which means “Daddy.” I am more than God, I am Abba, Daddy!


A Scripture


So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

Romans 8.1-2


A Prayer


God, I’ve brought condemnation upon myself and allowed others to condemn me, for which I’ve greatly suffered. When my imperfect soul (my mind, will, and emotions) messes up, help me to live loved and accepted by professing that “I’m the righteousness of God, complete, whole, and unconditionally accepted by my Father, the King of Kings!” Thank you that I don’t have to live in any form of condemnation another day of my life.

In Jesus’s Name, Amen




God, the King of Kings, accepts you and loves you unconditionally, despite what’s on your current or future list of things that the evil one uses to condemn you.


1 Write a list of things that you feel condemned, branded, or ashamed about.


2 If you decided in your heart that, “I’m unconditionally loved and accepted by God my Father no matter what, and nothing can change my position as a beloved child in him,” how would your thoughts about yourself change?


3 Assuming your thoughts above are positive, if they were put into action, how would your behaviour change?


4 How would your life change?

Tuesday 8 August 2023


You saw me before i was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious to me are your precious to me are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them, they outnumber the grains of sand. And when I wake up, you are still with me!

Psalm 139.16-18


A Story


You feel the sting on your reddened cheek as they walk away, taking their love with them. Holding your stricken face, you stand in stunned disbelief.  Suddenly nauseous, you try to demand your stomach to settle, but it wins, and you vomit. The stench is almost as bad as the pain in your heart. Fear and panic grip you as your mind replays your entire life of relentless loyalty, effort, and achievements, all falling short. You try to love, but it isn’t enough. If you solved world hunger, it still wouldn’t be enough. Your heart is assaulted with the terrifying idea you’re utterly worthless and should’ve never been born.


A letter from God


My Valuable Child,

You didn’t choose me, I chose you. Before you were even a thought, I was thinking of you. I never stop thinking of you. Thoughts of righteousness, beauty, and how precious you are to me dance in my mind, bringing me great joy. Through Jesus, I see you as holy and flawless.

I’m equipping you for excellence as I equipped David for excellence before I made him king of Israel. He endured hatred and rejection. Despite this, he chose to worship me and believe my word and my promise that I’d make him king of Israel.

Like I did with David, before I meticulously designed your genetics, talents, and personality, I knew you, everything about you and who you’d become. This delights me because I chose you for a noble purpose, an extravagant plan to fulfill my will and bring me glory.

When I sent the prophet Samuel to David’s home to anoint him as king, David’s father, Jesse, knew David was in the field tending the sheep. Jesse didn’t call for him and didn’t even consider David worthy to be numbered among his seven brothers for the crown, but I did. In the same way, your family or others may not consider you worthy, but I do.


A Scripture


Even before he made the world, God loved us and chos us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

Ephesians 1.4


A prayer


God, at times I feel worthless and afraid, but your word says that I’m the most valuable of all your creation. When thoughts and feelings of worthlessness arise, help me reject them and choose to believe your favourable thoughts of me and how valuable I am to you. Heal my wounds of worthlessness and help me live worthy, valued, and loved by you.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




1.      What makes you worthy and valuable in God’s eyes?¹


2.      I am God’s child John 1.12

I am more precious than rubies Proverbs 31.10

I am predestined and chosen by God to do mighty works Ephesians 2.10

Consider making a small card with these Scriptures and put it where you’ll see it frequently, make it your computer wallpaper or phone screensaver if you have to. Get these truths branded onto your heart!


3.      How can you live as a valued child of God?²



After meditating on his love and thoughts for you, praise him, worship him with songs and with statements of thankfulness.  Write down how you feel or changes occurred in this process.



¹Who you are in Christ as a child of God, the purpose God your Father specifically designed for you. Remind yourself what makes you worthy and valuable in God’s eyes.

²Believe who you are, your exceptional worth, and your glorious purpose. Practice rejecting unworthiness. Write down the pain that causes thoughts and feelings of unworthiness and ask your Father God to replace them all with his love and precious thoughts towards you, renewing your mind and bringing your thinking into alignment with your Father’s.

Monday 7 August 2023


 For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus

Galatians 3.26

A story

“They wanted me to kill you,” your mum says, catching you off guard.

The blood suddenly drains from your face. “Wait, kill me?”

In shock, you ask, “What was wrong?”

She answers, “I was fifteen and pregnant. A disgrace and a disappointing embarrassment to all who knew me, that’s what was wrong.”

Sitting at the table, you grip your chair, knuckles as white as your face.

Mum grips her cup and continues, “I was avoided like the plague. Everyone expected better and labeled me as an irresponsible, shameful burden they no longer wished to carry. And they no longer wished me to carry you.”

Your heart begins to pound so loudly, it barely allows you to hear the question in your mind. Was I an accident? Am I even supposed to be here?

Seeing your distress, your mum tenderly smiles and grabs your trembling hand. Fixing as loving gaze onto your eyes, she says, “We weren’t the plague. We were blessed, just a little earlier than expected.”

A letter from God

My Cherished Child,

I’m the Creator of the universe and the God who fervently pursues you to love and bless you. I myself tenderly knit you together in your mother’s womb. As you quietly grew in secret, I knew you were there. I love you and made you mine.

You’re not your job, talents, family position, or anything else that can change. You’re my child, this can never change for I the Lord do not change, and nothing can snatch you from my hand. You are significant with a specific place in my kingdom as royalty. I dreamed long ago for you to have great meaning and impact with your life.

When you were born, I blew into your lungs your first breath and gave you my life. You are not a random chance or an accident. Your parents may or may not have chosen to conceive you, but I chose you. And I chose to love you.

A Scripture 

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

Ephesians 1.5

A prayer

God, I’m no one without you. I have no identity aside from being your child, your heir, the most prized position in all of heaven and earth. You chose me to be your child, to experience love, freedom, healing and peace. Help me live and reign as a prince/ss of the King. When people, pain or circumstances question my identity, remind me of who I am.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.


1. Despite your feelings, performance, and your past, do you believe you are a child of God?¹

2. Make a list of things you believe have separated you from God’s love and disqualified you as a child of God. Put a line through each one, then read and personalise Romans 8.38 as a reminder of God’s love for you.²

3. Thank God for his love, worship him with songs from the playlist, and note down what happened, or feelings felt or any changes that has come from these reflections or notes.


¹ No failure, event, circumstance, abuse, feelings, or anything else you can conceive is able to remove your position as a child of God. Who dares accuses us whom God has chosen for his own? No one, for God given us right standing with himself. Believe God, your loving Father. Believe his promises (the Word), for God cannot lie.

²I know that nothing can ever separate me from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither my fears for today nor my worries about tomorrow, not even the powers of hell can separate me from God’s love! No power in the sky above or in the earth below, indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate me from the love of God!