Friday 11 August 2023


May you experience the love of Christ though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Ephesians 3.19


A story


Your husband stepped out and joined himself with a stranger. You gave him your love, your everything, but he gave his heart to another, another who supposedly had prayed for your marriage, yet she was the wolf in sheep's clothing who ripped your marriage apart. Kindness flowed from lips until you knew her secret, then poison spewed from her mouth, “He pretends to love you for the sake of the kids. It’s your fault. He’s not attracted to you.”

Feeling deceived and betrayed, unintentionally, your mindset and self-perception change. You become fearful, self-despising, and a victim. Pain ravages your emotions and panic attacks are a daily occurrence. Self-hatred convinces you that it’s all your fault and this is your punishment. Believing you’re unlovable and hideous, you reject love and friendship, assuming all gestures of kindness are fake. You’re a master of hiding sorrow and appearing happy, no one knows you’re an isolated prisoner of misery.


A letter from God


Sweet Loved One,

My love for you is perfect. It’s extravagant and has no rival. I am love and can’t help but love you. I thoughtfully and delicately fashioned you, and I did an amazing job. I never make a mistake.

I’m the artist who painted the luminous northern lights and taught them to dance. You, my child, are much more glorious than the northern lights. You shine for me, stunning and spectacular. You can’t earn my love, and you can’t lose my love. Though you may fail, my love will not. You are worth loving. Never place the entirety of your love and trust upon anyone except me. Only I can complete you, not your spouse, family member, no one. The add love and value but are incapable of loving you perfectly. There’s always failure or deficiency in human love. I alone am worthy of your complete love and trust.

Keep giving and receiving love. If your heart becomes torn, I’ll delicately mend the pieces and make you whole again. You are safe to love and be loved when you put your trust in me.


A Scripture


And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

Ephesians 3.18


A prayer


God, I mistakenly put my full confidence and love in people, no human is capable of meeting these expectations. I’ve been deeply hurt by the consequences. Help me to love and receive love despite human imperfection. Remind me to only give my entire love, trust, and self to you, as you’re the keeper of my heart and will never fail me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.




1 Do you want freedom to fearlessly love and be loved?¹


I have heard your prayer and seen your tears, I will heal you.

2 Kings 20.5


2 Love forgives without finding fault. Even while torturously hanging on the cross, taking all sin upon himself, Jesus still asked God to forgive his abusers.² Who do you need to forgive today?³


¹God knows your most intimate pain. Ask him to heal you and believe his faithfulness that he has healed you right where you are in your current condition. Afterward, you may not feel anything, and that’s all right. What matters is God’s promise that if you ask, you will receive.

²Choose to forgive those who failed to protect your heart. Though you may not feel like it, choosing to forgive puts a demand on your heart to come into agreement with God. This for you and your healing, not for the other person. God himself will deal with the offense.

³If that person doesn’t immediately come to mind, ask the Holy Spirit. Then say “Father, I forgive _____________. I drown their sin in the blood of Jesus. I release myself from bondage because of my unforgiveness. I take them to the court of heaven and allow the justice of God to prevail over them in this situation.”


It is a fearful and terrifying thing to fall the hands of the living God.

Hebrews 10.31

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