Tuesday 15 August 2023


“No, no, no, this isn’t happening! This is wrong. Something is wrong! This isn’t right! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!” Rejecting terrible news that must be a mistake, you protest in desperation, “They’re alive and well. They’re going to live a long happy life! There are too many things for them to do and become!” You coil into a ball and whisper, “They’re supposed to live a long life. They’re too young, so young.”

Realising this event is in fact happening, your heart and strength fail as your knees hit the floor under great heaviness. You question, “Why is this happening?” Guilt consumes you. “I could’ve done something. This isn’t fair!” You plead, “Please. I'll do anything. Tell me this isn’t real!” A tangible darkness accompanies the heaviness. You feel hopeless and lost.


A letter from God


My Understanding Child,

Don’t be afraid or dismayed about death. Don’t fear uncertainty. I’m here with you. When terrible things occur, understand that I did not cause them.

When Job suffered trials devised by the devil, he vowed to worship me whether in good times or in bad. My love for Job was deep. Though he lost all his children to death, his home, all he owned, even his honour, he still didn’t by blaming me.

Despite the horror around him, he continued to trust and believe that I’m a good God. He persevered through anguish and sorrow. I rescued him from the Enemy, his grief, and torment. I blessed him with an abundance that far outweighed his loss. His children, though killed, are spiritually alive and remain with me.

He drew closer to me and our relationship thrived. There is hope in me. Earth isn’t the end. Heaven is the end. There are worse things than dying. Death of the body frees the spirit (the true person) living within the walls of that body and allows them to be fully alive for all of eternity. To be absent from the body is to be present with me, I have your loved one. My kingdom is far greater than earth. You’re a foreigner on earth, this isn’t your home. Your home is my kingdom of glory. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what I’ve prepared for those who love me.

Despite the horror you’re walking through or know you’re going to walk through, I’m good, and I’m good to you. If you’ll let me, I’ll always heal your heart, comfort you, and fill the emptiness left behind by grief and loss until you’re reunited with your loved one in my kingdom.


A scripture


As an exampl of patience in the face of suffering, we count as blessed those who persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

James 5.10-11


A prayer


God, I feel lost in a sea of questions, grief, and sorrow. A sea made of my own tears. I believe you hold the answers and will tell me one day, even if that day is in heaven. As for today, help me see that you have a beautiful purpose that far outweighs my grief. I choose to believe that you love me, will heal me, and help me live a joyous life as I look forward to seeing my loved one again.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




You didn’t lose your loved one, you know where and who they’re with, they’re spiritually alive with Jesus in his kingdom. There’s no better place to be!

How can you celebrate your loved one?¹


For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down, we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands.

2 Corinthians 5.1


If your loved one wasn’t saved, the Lord’s mercy is so great, that in times in transition from to death, there’s always a chance that a conversation, or a thought given offer a chance for forgiveness and acceptance in Christ. There’s always hope.


¹Keep your mind focused on the positive impact your loved one had on you and others. Celebrate the difference they made, the beauty, fun, enjoyment, and love they blessed you with. Delight in the good things they brought into your life and into others, despite how short that life may have been. Honour their memory by keeping it alive through living a full life that they would want you to have.



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