Tuesday 8 August 2023


You saw me before i was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious to me are your precious to me are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them, they outnumber the grains of sand. And when I wake up, you are still with me!

Psalm 139.16-18


A Story


You feel the sting on your reddened cheek as they walk away, taking their love with them. Holding your stricken face, you stand in stunned disbelief.  Suddenly nauseous, you try to demand your stomach to settle, but it wins, and you vomit. The stench is almost as bad as the pain in your heart. Fear and panic grip you as your mind replays your entire life of relentless loyalty, effort, and achievements, all falling short. You try to love, but it isn’t enough. If you solved world hunger, it still wouldn’t be enough. Your heart is assaulted with the terrifying idea you’re utterly worthless and should’ve never been born.


A letter from God


My Valuable Child,

You didn’t choose me, I chose you. Before you were even a thought, I was thinking of you. I never stop thinking of you. Thoughts of righteousness, beauty, and how precious you are to me dance in my mind, bringing me great joy. Through Jesus, I see you as holy and flawless.

I’m equipping you for excellence as I equipped David for excellence before I made him king of Israel. He endured hatred and rejection. Despite this, he chose to worship me and believe my word and my promise that I’d make him king of Israel.

Like I did with David, before I meticulously designed your genetics, talents, and personality, I knew you, everything about you and who you’d become. This delights me because I chose you for a noble purpose, an extravagant plan to fulfill my will and bring me glory.

When I sent the prophet Samuel to David’s home to anoint him as king, David’s father, Jesse, knew David was in the field tending the sheep. Jesse didn’t call for him and didn’t even consider David worthy to be numbered among his seven brothers for the crown, but I did. In the same way, your family or others may not consider you worthy, but I do.


A Scripture


Even before he made the world, God loved us and chos us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

Ephesians 1.4


A prayer


God, at times I feel worthless and afraid, but your word says that I’m the most valuable of all your creation. When thoughts and feelings of worthlessness arise, help me reject them and choose to believe your favourable thoughts of me and how valuable I am to you. Heal my wounds of worthlessness and help me live worthy, valued, and loved by you.

In Jesus’s name, Amen




1.      What makes you worthy and valuable in God’s eyes?¹


2.      I am God’s child John 1.12

I am more precious than rubies Proverbs 31.10

I am predestined and chosen by God to do mighty works Ephesians 2.10

Consider making a small card with these Scriptures and put it where you’ll see it frequently, make it your computer wallpaper or phone screensaver if you have to. Get these truths branded onto your heart!


3.      How can you live as a valued child of God?²



After meditating on his love and thoughts for you, praise him, worship him with songs and with statements of thankfulness.  Write down how you feel or changes occurred in this process.






¹Who you are in Christ as a child of God, the purpose God your Father specifically designed for you. Remind yourself what makes you worthy and valuable in God’s eyes.

²Believe who you are, your exceptional worth, and your glorious purpose. Practice rejecting unworthiness. Write down the pain that causes thoughts and feelings of unworthiness and ask your Father God to replace them all with his love and precious thoughts towards you, renewing your mind and bringing your thinking into alignment with your Father’s.

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