Monday 7 August 2023


 For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus

Galatians 3.26

A story

“They wanted me to kill you,” your mum says, catching you off guard.

The blood suddenly drains from your face. “Wait, kill me?”

In shock, you ask, “What was wrong?”

She answers, “I was fifteen and pregnant. A disgrace and a disappointing embarrassment to all who knew me, that’s what was wrong.”

Sitting at the table, you grip your chair, knuckles as white as your face.

Mum grips her cup and continues, “I was avoided like the plague. Everyone expected better and labeled me as an irresponsible, shameful burden they no longer wished to carry. And they no longer wished me to carry you.”

Your heart begins to pound so loudly, it barely allows you to hear the question in your mind. Was I an accident? Am I even supposed to be here?

Seeing your distress, your mum tenderly smiles and grabs your trembling hand. Fixing as loving gaze onto your eyes, she says, “We weren’t the plague. We were blessed, just a little earlier than expected.”

A letter from God

My Cherished Child,

I’m the Creator of the universe and the God who fervently pursues you to love and bless you. I myself tenderly knit you together in your mother’s womb. As you quietly grew in secret, I knew you were there. I love you and made you mine.

You’re not your job, talents, family position, or anything else that can change. You’re my child, this can never change for I the Lord do not change, and nothing can snatch you from my hand. You are significant with a specific place in my kingdom as royalty. I dreamed long ago for you to have great meaning and impact with your life.

When you were born, I blew into your lungs your first breath and gave you my life. You are not a random chance or an accident. Your parents may or may not have chosen to conceive you, but I chose you. And I chose to love you.

A Scripture 

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

Ephesians 1.5

A prayer

God, I’m no one without you. I have no identity aside from being your child, your heir, the most prized position in all of heaven and earth. You chose me to be your child, to experience love, freedom, healing and peace. Help me live and reign as a prince/ss of the King. When people, pain or circumstances question my identity, remind me of who I am.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.


1. Despite your feelings, performance, and your past, do you believe you are a child of God?¹

2. Make a list of things you believe have separated you from God’s love and disqualified you as a child of God. Put a line through each one, then read and personalise Romans 8.38 as a reminder of God’s love for you.²

3. Thank God for his love, worship him with songs from the playlist, and note down what happened, or feelings felt or any changes that has come from these reflections or notes.


¹ No failure, event, circumstance, abuse, feelings, or anything else you can conceive is able to remove your position as a child of God. Who dares accuses us whom God has chosen for his own? No one, for God given us right standing with himself. Believe God, your loving Father. Believe his promises (the Word), for God cannot lie.

²I know that nothing can ever separate me from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither my fears for today nor my worries about tomorrow, not even the powers of hell can separate me from God’s love! No power in the sky above or in the earth below, indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate me from the love of God!

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