Wednesday 28 April 2021


 How many of you have had a chance to play with one of these? The iPhone, whether you’re a fan or not, completely changed the way people use the telephone. When Apple decided to create the iPhone, they wanted to make it simple, easy to use, and, above all, a work of art.

The “art” of the iPhone was the work of a man named Jonathan Ive. Jonathan Ive is not an engineer or a computer expert. He is an artist, and if you don’t believe me, you can google the Museum of Modern Art of New York City to see some of the amazing designs he has created for Apple. 
Apple didn’t have to make the iPhone, the iPad, or any of its Mac computers beautiful, but the cofounder of Apple, Steve Jobs, insisted on making them that way. Before Jobs hired Jonathan Ive, computers were bulky and boxy. They were functional, but they were not attractive. Steve Jobs changed all that, and Jonathan Ive was the man he chose to make it happen. 
Artistic creativity is a gift from God. In the book of Exodus, we see just how much God values this gift. God had just given Moses the Ten Commandments, and he was giving instructions for building the Tabernacle—a traveling temple that would serve as the seat of worship for the Israelites as they travelled to the Promised Land. 
God had very specific instructions for the design of the temple, and he chose by name the men who would do the work: Bezalel and Oholiab. God told Moses that he had given both men wisdom, skill, and knowledge to make artistic designs using gold, silver, wood, and other materials. God gave them these skills for the specific purpose of making the Tabernacle, his dwelling place among the Israelites. 
God didn’t have to make the Tabernacle beautiful. He wanted it to be beautiful. He wanted the Israelites to see a beauty in the Tabernacle and be reminded of their Creator—a God who values not only creativity, but also beauty. 
God has given each one of us gifts. Some of us are artists. Some are musicians. 
Others may be gifted speakers or teachers. Whatever gift you have been given, God has a plan for you, and no gift is insignificant. Whatever you do with your gift, do it as if you are working for the Lord. Always remember that it was he who gave you your gifts, and don’t be afraid to let others know that he is your inspiration. 

1 comment:

  1. Our God is truly wonderful.Such a great creator and he must have had a lot of fun doing it!
