Wednesday 20 July 2022

Psalm 31

 God, we seek asylum!

Mute the scorn; bring justice, freedom!

Where can we live? How survive?

Gentle Shepherd, guide our steps

away from landmines to Your Homeland.

We entrust our lives to You

with abandon, fleeing idol fan clubs.

We’re carefree with You, Spirit, Who discerned

our pressing cares, brought us out from under.

But millions struggle, trapped in crises.

Crying eyes of victims haunt us,

we groan for malnourished children

mired in grief with anguished parents.

Callous leaders stir up terror

squashing hopes and killing peace dreams.

Friends and family follow blindly,

shun our pleas as broken records.

But You, God of Peace, we count on.

You will handle every time bomb,

foil the hands that grab and cuff us.

Shame each heartless rogue with failure,

silence liars, let despisers die soon.

In Your Presence we are hidden

safe from dog-eat-dog confusion.

All praise to You, Divine Lover!

When besieged we couldn’t see You

but You heard our desperate pleading.

Be encouraged, sisters, brothers;

keep hope high, True Promise trusters.

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Psalm 30

 God, we love praising You

Who raised us from despair,

silencing rivals’ glee.

When we shouted “God, help!”

You restored us, drew us

out of deadly sinkholes.

Worship God with joyous music

all you loving, loyal people.

Love’s anger is rare and fleeting,

compassion holds strong forever.

Night-time sobbing? Sunrise smiles!

O God, we took You for granted,

bragged that we would never stumble.

No surprise we felt abandoned,

whimpering “O God we’re dying,

who will voice kudos in graveyards?”

You Transformed us, no more bawling,

now we laugh, dance, sing every day,

bursting with glad creative praise!

Monday 18 July 2022

Psalm 29

 Worship Lovejoy King, all beings of light,

angel processions in blinding brilliance.

Worship King of Peace, transparent people,

reflect Divine Radiance. Hear Creator

boom in ocean waves, roar in cataracts.

“Magnificent! Omnipotent!”

Listen, awestruck: hear cedar trees crack,

grand boulders rumble, reel with seismic quakes.

Watch lightning zip-zap.

From forest floor littered with fallen limbs

to swaying crowns of towering oaks

all Creation’s chorus resounds in awe.

Peace-Giver presides, quelling all chaos,

empowering Earth-Keepers.

Sunday 17 July 2022

Linger (another psalm 23)

 Linger in the presence of The Shepherd

In this moment of quiet reflection in green pastures

Drink in the stillness of its waters

Let His Word restore you

As the paths of righteousness become clear in its light

Even if this day is shadowed by fear and uncertainty, He is with you

He is as close as a heartbeat, near as your next breath

Sing your praise to Him

The worship of God anoints our days

Causes dry cups to overflow

At His table, waiting on Him

Waiting to brought Home

Where we’ll dwell together forevermore

Psalm 23

 Divine Guardian, You care for us,

You provide all we need, and more,

taking us to serene, green places

where we are refreshed to the core.

You show us Right Ways,

trails Your Ranger blazed.

Not even death’s gloom traumatises us

on the path to Your Lighthouse.

We are safe and strong,

with so-called enemies

You invite us to feast, carefree,

blessed with effervescent health.

Your passionate compassion

always invigorates us,

we’ll be Down Home forever

with You, Joyful Peacemaker.

Psalm 28

 Hello? Are You there, God?

Can You hear me? Are You listening?

Help! Eyes of God, see us crying,

straining toward Your Holy Presence

while old combatants drag us down.

May they drink their own poison brew

(just deserts for deserting You).

Dismiss them permanently, God.

Hello! Thank You for listening!

You are my Cover and Vigour.

We dance and sing in childlike joy,

I leap into Your Trusty Arms.

Vibrant vicar of Your People,

Kind Parent, Divine Bodyguard.

Revive Your Family; bring every

lost heir home in Glad Reunion.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Psalm 27

 My Life-Light, my Energy,

my Healing Power is God.

No one can frighten us now.

Fear-mongers threaten and bluff

but tumble from their own thrones.

Though thousands enlist for war

we will not give in to terror.

God, all I ask You is this,

to stay in Your Home-Free Place,

enthralled by Holy Brilliance,

exploring Wisdom’s terrain.

You will shelter us always,

grounded deep, heads and hopes high,

our praises will ever rise.

Holy Spirit, hear my call,

heart to heart I long for God.

Are You aloof or distant?

You’ve always been our Guardian,

please don’t give up on us now.

You will welcome us, even

if family and friends do not.

Trailblazer, show us Your Way,

let no demon have a say.

We perceive Your New Reign’s dawn,

over all Your Love will shine.

We await You with courage!

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Psalm 26

 God, pronounce me guilt-free.

You know my pure longings,

see me through Your Love Eyes,

look into my heart, read my mind.

God, we know that You

Love us and we love You.

Liars, pretenders and

wrong-doers we avoid.

God, we want to come clean,

come to celebrate You,

go all out in worship.

What joy to walk with You

seeing Your Creation!

Let me not be enticed

by anger, hate or greed.

You know our pure desires,

we trust Your Divine Love.

With You we’re on firm ground

singing altogether.

Monday 11 July 2022

Psalm 25

 Royal guide, with You I walk tall.

Keep me confident in You,

never disgraced by challengers

or traumatised by criminals.

Teach me, Wonder-Wise Counsellor,

all my life I need Your Guidance.

God, recall Your Kindness to me,

please forget my youthful misdeeds.

You guide blind fools, addicts, all

who humbly admit being lost.

You walk us along New Life Paths

and erase our regretful records.

Who kneels in prayer? Your students.

We will be healthy Earth-Keepers,

awestruck discoverers of secrets,

realisers of Promises Come True.

Spirit of God, we need You now—

I need You inside me, beside us—

hurt, stressed, grieving, agonising.

Lift the burdens of our failures.

You are the Gateway to Peace Place.

Keep us walking tall, Royal Guide,

our Confidence is still in You.

Rescue all tormented children.

Sunday 10 July 2022

Psalm 24

 Our planet belongs to You,

all that lives gets Life from You

Who made this Wonderful Place,

You brought Order from chaos,

called forth myriad species.

Who dares approach Your Summit?

Who can face Your Holiness?

The forgiven ones and those

who give others a clean slate.

They are not swayed by money,

not lured by fame or bias.

You smile on them, Your Peace

shines through them for all to see.

They’re the God-looking people.

Look up, rulers! Heads up, public servants!

Make way for the Preeminent One.

Who is preeminent?

The Courageous Servant Leader

Who faces down violence

and deactivates death.

Look, rulers! Listen, administrators!

Make way for the Most Brilliant One.

Who is most brilliant?

The Crown Prince of World Peace,

the Majestic Creator.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Psalm 22

 God, why have You left me alone?

Why Your distance from her bleeding,

silence to his all-night pleading?

Holy Supreme Benefactor,

trusted God of our grandparents.

You heard and helped our ancestors

but we’re helpless. Sneering mockers

jab and slash our Scripture Worldview,

yet from birth You have embraced us.

Be here now as terror threatens,

bullies bash her prospects senseless,

they string him up, parched, stripped, tortured

God, where are You? Please be near,

You’re our Invisible Defence.

Breathe our bones alive, God Spirit.

We believe You suffer with us.

God, we vow to praise You always,

worship You and serve Your poor ones.

Keep us listening, praying, thriving.

Global is Your Peaceful Kingdom,

every people group will know You,

poor and rich will kneel before You,

every child will hear Your Story—

Stunning Truth, Astounding Glory.

Friday 8 July 2022

Psalm 21

 Leaders, leap for joy with Spirit energy!

God fulfils your longings, faithful rulers, freely

grants requests you offer. King Divine will honour

justice-working governors, give you livelong success.

Spirit, You infuse us with Joy,

Your Strong Love will hold us steady.

(When will destroyers be destroyed,

and odious deeds nullified?)

Hail, God of all! Highest accolades!

Thursday 7 July 2022

Psalm 20

 Prime Minister, we pray God

answers you, relieves your stress load,

keeps you with family in green zone.

May your help be always Godsent,

honest work by joyful people.

Hearts of rulers looking heavenward,

your best desires will be fulfilled.

Leaders, giving Love the credit,

we rejoice at your elections.

May God hear your daily prayers,

affirm your winsome words and ways.

Many put their trust in weapons,

may Peace be your core reliance.

Fighters falter, but Love keeps us

firmly grounded.

Hear us, Master,

crown Your servant leaders’ efforts.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Psalm 19

 Galaxies shine with Your genius,

skies unveil Your masterpieces—

ever singing day-song, night-song,

soundless telling, ceaseless, boundless.

Love, You stretched our sun’s blue canvas,

there Your virile dawn light dances,

warming all by Earth’s revolving.

Scripture’s truth, like nature’s order

steadies every reeling spirit.

God, Your Laws make sense for humans

on the way to joyful wisdom,

Your decrees persist in brilliance,

awesome, true for all forever,

Your Great Book stands timeless, tireless—

valued, savoured beyond compare.

Priceless warning signs of peril,

Your commands reward obeyers.

Who can see their own wrongs, Father?

God, forgive our blind indifference,

steer us clear of stubborn fault-lines,

free to thrive on Your Pilgrim Way,

guiltless, guileless in Your Presence.

May our musings please Your Honour—

Holy Lifeguard, God our anchor.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Psalm 18

 God, we love You, we trust Your power,

Spirit, You’re our Sanctuary Tower.

When we called, Huge Holy Love,

You rescued us from every gun.

Deadness slithered across our spirits

spewing venom without limits.

Cornered, we cried “Help!” O God, You heard,

Heaven’s Tender Ear bent earthward.

Tremors rattled rocks, shook mountains,

holy anger spurted molten.

You split skies, ripped through storm clouds,

crackled light beams and spattered ice drops.

You voiced rage in flood and thunder

but did not leave us floundering.

Holy Spirit, You held us close,

transported us to Your Safe House.

Far from rip-off gangs and hecklers we played,

You sang us lullabies, kept us loyal.

Faithful people know You faithful,

healthy ones in You are healthful.

Truthful speakers find Your Word true,

but deceivers refuse to face You.

God, Your Grace promotes the humble

and causes proud ones to stumble.

Your Brilliance fires our courage,

dazzles foes and burns all blockage.

Your Life-Way is perfect in wisdom,

Your protection boulder solid.

Who else can claim to be divine?

On whom but You can we rely?

Ready, set to deter conflict

we deflect darts by Your Spirit.

You expunge our dread of failure,

gently bolstering our endurance.

Hail, Ever-Living Ruler of all.

Your Love ignites worldwide awe.

Sunday 3 July 2022

Psalm 17

 Grant us a hearing, God,

our plea is warranted,

we’re telling the whole truth.

Pronounce us not guilty.

You see our true motives,

You probe our heart mind links

for night-hatched plots, and find

no deceit, greed or spite.

Because we follow You,

money or violence

cannot seduce us.

When we pray we know You

listen and will answer.

Reveal Your Wondrous Love

to harassed refugees.

Watch us like a Mother,

shelter and protect us

from those whose words can kill.

Threat-hurlers surround us,

their proud mouths yip and yap,

from hard-shelled hearts clammed shut

their mean looks pummel us.

Face them down now, Spirit.

Free us from high-flying

doom-deservers who stuff

their bored children senseless.

We will see You and rest

our case in the morning.

Friday 1 July 2022

Psalm 16

 Spirit, hover close,

keep us under cover, Master.

Our work is worthless

without Your Leading.

Hooray for Godly People,

Friends of Earth, our True Friends always.

Idol fan-club crazies

will capsize weekly, daily.

We refuse them tribute,

not gracing their names with mention.

Love Source God, our Benefactor,

thanks for jobs that provide plenty.

Praise to You, Loving Spirit

Whose Counsel lights our night musings.

Keep us focused, Holy Guide,

purpose clear, in sync with You.

Joy will buoy our hearty voicing,

Your Sweet Peace eases all strained nerves.

Breath of all Creation’s Life,

breathe through us Your Re-creation.

Life-Way Escort, thank You,

we are Alive in Love always.

Psalm 15

 Great Spirit, who is welcome in Your

Secret Place? Who is at home there?

Those with bright, clean lifestyles, sincere

folks who do not backbite or revile.

These humble, brave souls cannot be

swayed by vileness or violence.

They affirm all who respect God.

No matter the consequences, they

keep their word. The poor can borrow

interest-free—no penalties, no bribes.

What a beautiful, solid life!