Friday 1 July 2022

Psalm 16

 Spirit, hover close,

keep us under cover, Master.

Our work is worthless

without Your Leading.

Hooray for Godly People,

Friends of Earth, our True Friends always.

Idol fan-club crazies

will capsize weekly, daily.

We refuse them tribute,

not gracing their names with mention.

Love Source God, our Benefactor,

thanks for jobs that provide plenty.

Praise to You, Loving Spirit

Whose Counsel lights our night musings.

Keep us focused, Holy Guide,

purpose clear, in sync with You.

Joy will buoy our hearty voicing,

Your Sweet Peace eases all strained nerves.

Breath of all Creation’s Life,

breathe through us Your Re-creation.

Life-Way Escort, thank You,

we are Alive in Love always.

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