Sunday 10 July 2022

Psalm 24

 Our planet belongs to You,

all that lives gets Life from You

Who made this Wonderful Place,

You brought Order from chaos,

called forth myriad species.

Who dares approach Your Summit?

Who can face Your Holiness?

The forgiven ones and those

who give others a clean slate.

They are not swayed by money,

not lured by fame or bias.

You smile on them, Your Peace

shines through them for all to see.

They’re the God-looking people.

Look up, rulers! Heads up, public servants!

Make way for the Preeminent One.

Who is preeminent?

The Courageous Servant Leader

Who faces down violence

and deactivates death.

Look, rulers! Listen, administrators!

Make way for the Most Brilliant One.

Who is most brilliant?

The Crown Prince of World Peace,

the Majestic Creator.

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