Saturday 9 July 2022

Psalm 22

 God, why have You left me alone?

Why Your distance from her bleeding,

silence to his all-night pleading?

Holy Supreme Benefactor,

trusted God of our grandparents.

You heard and helped our ancestors

but we’re helpless. Sneering mockers

jab and slash our Scripture Worldview,

yet from birth You have embraced us.

Be here now as terror threatens,

bullies bash her prospects senseless,

they string him up, parched, stripped, tortured

God, where are You? Please be near,

You’re our Invisible Defence.

Breathe our bones alive, God Spirit.

We believe You suffer with us.

God, we vow to praise You always,

worship You and serve Your poor ones.

Keep us listening, praying, thriving.

Global is Your Peaceful Kingdom,

every people group will know You,

poor and rich will kneel before You,

every child will hear Your Story—

Stunning Truth, Astounding Glory.

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