Wednesday 20 July 2022

Psalm 31

 God, we seek asylum!

Mute the scorn; bring justice, freedom!

Where can we live? How survive?

Gentle Shepherd, guide our steps

away from landmines to Your Homeland.

We entrust our lives to You

with abandon, fleeing idol fan clubs.

We’re carefree with You, Spirit, Who discerned

our pressing cares, brought us out from under.

But millions struggle, trapped in crises.

Crying eyes of victims haunt us,

we groan for malnourished children

mired in grief with anguished parents.

Callous leaders stir up terror

squashing hopes and killing peace dreams.

Friends and family follow blindly,

shun our pleas as broken records.

But You, God of Peace, we count on.

You will handle every time bomb,

foil the hands that grab and cuff us.

Shame each heartless rogue with failure,

silence liars, let despisers die soon.

In Your Presence we are hidden

safe from dog-eat-dog confusion.

All praise to You, Divine Lover!

When besieged we couldn’t see You

but You heard our desperate pleading.

Be encouraged, sisters, brothers;

keep hope high, True Promise trusters.

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