Tuesday 17 August 2021

A man named Saul day 2


Jesus had Saul right where He wanted him. A bright light shone from the sky, knocking the proud man off his high horse. Saul was blind and helpless. Jesus appeared and called Saul by name. Saul was absolutely terrified!

Hopefully, we know by now that it’s not in Jesus’ nature to be vindictive or vengeful. His primary motive is not to scare people. He could have done that all the time when He was here on earth, but He didn’t. Instead, as Saul later wrote, “God’s kindness leads us to repentance” (Rom 2.4).

Jesus had Saul right where He wanted him. He was broken and blind and helpless. Jesus could have done whatever He wanted to Saul right then and there. He could have killed him or permanently maimed him.

But that’s not how Jesus operates.

Instead, He threw Saul a lifeline. He offered Saul another chance, a new beginning. He offered Saul (a man who deserved to die for persecuting innocent people) salvation. He offered Saul the possibility of an intimate relationship with God the Father through Himself. He even offered Saul the gift of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence.

It was the opportunity of a lifetime.

Interestingly enough, Jesus didn’t explain to Saul how to enter into this new relationship. Instead, He told him to go into town and wait for someone to come and help. Jesus could have explained the whole deal to Saul right there. He could have told him what to pray and how to pray it. He could have given him the Holy Spirit on the spot. He could have told him to go and be baptised.

But He didn’t. That’s not how it works. No one in the New Testament ever comes to faith in Jesus apart from another human being’s help.

Why would we think it’s any different today?

There’s nothing wrong with Christian radio or Christian television programming per se. There’s nothing wrong with tracts and literature designed to help people make that connection with God. But nothing will ever replace the original strategy Jesus set in place for growing His kingdom of followers. One person telling another person who tells another person who tells …




God of mercy and grace, without You I was on a path that led only to disappointment, emptiness and death. In Your severe mercy, You brought me to a realisation of my condition and my real need, and You caused me to see my spiritual bankruptcy. Through the way of brokenness, You graciously drew me to an understanding of my inadequacy and futility. It was only then that I could see clearly enough to reach out for Your grace and transforming power. I thank You for the circumstances and the people You used to bring this about, and I realise that You have now given me the great privilege of acting as Your agent of reconciliation so that I can participate in Your process of bringing others to faith in Christ. I give thanks for Your many gifts, and I ask You to guide and empower me to share them with others.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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