Monday 2 August 2021




What’s your favourite thing you own? Imagine you lose it. Then someone finds was and says, “I’ll let you have it back if you pay me twenty pounds.” They’re saying you’ll have to pay for it to own it again.

When Jesus died on the cross, He paid a price to get us back too. In the beginning, people belonged to God, but then they pulled away from Him and sinned. Their sin separated them from Him. Our sin separates us from God too. And sin makes us its slaves. That means we can’t stop wanting to do wrong things. It’s like sin is our mean slave master who controls us and wants to keep us apart from God forever. But God made a way to free us and get us back from sin. Because God is just, He wouldn’t pretend like we hadn’t done wrong things. He’d free us from sin while also keeping things right and fair. That meant redeeming us — paying the price to buy us back from sin’s hold on us. That price was Jesus’ life.

It’s like that mean slave master put us in a cage and said, “Ha! You’ll never be free again.” Then suddenly God showed up and handed over the payment to free us. God said to the slave master, “You don’t own them anymore. I’ve paid the price, and they belong to Me now!” 


Ruth 3-4


When Ruth moved to a new town with her mother-in-law, Naomi, they had no money. But they found one of Naomi’s relatives named Boaz. According to the law, Boaz could be Ruth’s “family redeemer.” The law said that if anyone was in trouble, the family redeemer should step in and help. That’s what Boaz did! He used his own money to buy back the land that belonged to their family. He married Ruth and took care of her and Naomi. 



Go to an ice cream shop, and hand over the money to buy your ice cream yourself. That is just a little bit like how Jesus’ life was given to buy back His people.



God, thank You for redeeming me — for paying the price to set me free from sin.

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