Tuesday 3 August 2021




Coming back to life after dying 


Who is your favourite superhero? Think of a time when that superhero was in trouble and it looked like the enemy was going to win. Then – surprise! The superhero used a burst of power to beat the enemy and save the day.

Jesus’s resurrection was something like that. Who were the enemies? Satan, sin, and death. Who won? Well, when Jesus died, it looked like His enemies had won. But then – surprise! Jesus resurrected.  That means He came back to life! He proved He was the most powerful and beat those enemies for good. 

Jesus won the victory not only for Himself but for everyone who belongs to Him. It's like whoever believes in Jesus is on His team. He says to His team, “You’re with Me. If I have won against these enemies, so have you.”

Can you guess what that means? Someday everyone who believes in Jesus will come back to life, just like Jesus did! After we die, God will make us alive again. He will give us new bodies and bring us to heaven. All because we belong to the One who is the most powerful of all. 


Matthew 28.1-10


Three days after Jesus died, Mary and Mary Magdalene went to His tomb. All of a sudden, there was an earthquake, and a bright, shining angel appeared. The angel rolled away the big stone in front of Jesus’s tomb so the women could see inside. He said, “Jesus is not here. He has risen from the dead, just like He said He would.” The women ran to tell other people, and then they saw Jesus Himself! They were so amazed and happy. They bowed down, touched His feet, and worshiped Him.



The next time you're in a pool, hold a beach ball under the water, and then let go of it. What happens? It pops right up! It can't stay underwater. (You can try the same thing in a bathtub with an empty water bottle.) Jesus's power over sin and death is like that. The life in Him is stronger. God's power made Him rise up from the dead, and His power will do the same for us. 


God, thank You that I will come back to life like Jesus did!

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