Saturday 7 August 2021




The good news of salvation through Jesus 


Yes,” your mum says, “you can go ride roller coasters with your best friends next weekend.” 

You yell, “Yay!” and then run to tell your best friends the good news. The disciples had some really good news too, and they couldn’t wait to share it with others. 

You see, the prophets had written that God would save people, but no one understood how He’d do it — not until after Jesus lived, died, and came back to life. Then the disciples understood God’s plan. God was saving people through Jesus! And it was their job to share that good news with the world. 

The gospel is the good news of God’s amazing love for people and His big rescue plan. It’s God’s whole story in the Bible! He created everyone and reaches out to save them when they’re in trouble. He says, “I’ll help you and forgive you. I’ll make you mine and give you life forever because I love you.” 

The good news is that you don’t have to be good enough to be saved. It doesn’t matter if you’ve broken rules before. Anyone can have a relationship with God and live with Him in heaven one day — you just have to believe in Jesus, ask God to forgive your sins, and follow Him.

Want to know a short way to explain the gospel? Just say John 3.16, “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. God gave his Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life”. 


Acts 8


An angel sent a man named Philip to travel on a road where he met an Ethiopian officer. He was in a chariot reading the words of a prophet. The Ethiopian said, “I need someone to explain this. Who is the prophet talking about?” Philip answered, “Jesus!” and explained the good news about Jesus. The Ethiopian started believing in Jesus. Then Philip baptised him, and the Ethiopian continued on his way home, full of joy because he had heard – and believed – the good news. 



Make a bracelet with six different coloured beads with each colour as a symbol of God’s story of salvation, black for sin, red for Jesus’ blood, white for forgiveness, blue for baptism, green for growth, and gold for eternal life. If anyone asks you about your bracelet, you can share the good news!


God, thank You for loving me and saving me! The gospel really is good news. Help me to share it with others! 


1 comment:

  1. Good idea about the bracelet! Ley's see if people are brave enough to accept the challenge!
