Thursday 5 August 2021




A rescue from sin and a new life with God 


Imagine your mum buys tickets to see your favourite singer perform. You grab the tickets, shrieking with happiness. Later, at the concert, there’s a person collecting tickets. You hand over your ticket, trusting it has the power to let you in — and it works! 

This is kind of what it’s like when God saves us. God “bought the tickets” for us by sending Jesus to die for our sins.

And then we need to do our part, which is believing in God. We need to reach out and grab the ticket — to show we trust in the power of what He’s done. Just like you believe that your concert tickets will allow you to see your favourite singer, you know that believing in Jesus will allow you to see God in heaven. 

The Bible says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. . . . Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom 10.9, 13). It’s really that simple!

As soon as we put our faith in Jesus, we’re forgiven, and we’re made righteous. That’s when God gets rid of the sin separating us from Him. 

Being saved isn’t just about going to heaven one day. It changes how we live right now! We can get to know God better every day, and that makes our hearts happy. He shows us the best ways to live and makes us strong. He brings lots of love and joy to our lives! 


Acts 10-11


Cornelius was a Roman officer – not part of the family of Israel. God told Peter, one of Jesus’s disciples, to tell Cornelius how he could be saved through Jesus. God wanted Peter to learn that everyone – even people who weren’t related to the Israelites – could be saved. Peter explained all of this to Cornelius and said, “Everyone who believes in Jesus will be forgiven.” Then Cornelius believed and was saved!


Pour some water in a bowl and sprinkle a bunch of pepper in it. Then put some liquid dish soap on your finger. Now touch the middle of the water’s surface with that finger. What happens? The pepper rushes away! That is a picture of how God’s power removes our sins.


God, I believe that what Jesus did for me saves me. 



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