Tuesday 10 August 2021

The ends of the earth day2

 Harassment, internal bickering and persecution threatened to kill the fledgling movement before it ever really got started. At least that’s what it looked like from a human perspective. But do you remember what Jesus said right before He ascended into the clear, blue sky? He told them, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. (Ac 1.8)

Notice that Jesus didn’t command them to do anything. He told them how it was going to be. There were no conditions attached, no rules to follow. He said, “This is what is going to happen.”

So persecution breaks out and the disciples begin to leave Jerusalem. Where do they go? First they go to Judea and Samaria. Eventually they scatter to the ends of the earth.

And what do they do? They tell people what they saw and heard and experienced. As they go, they tell about what Jesus said and did, and as others wanted to experience the same kind of life these messengers describe, they baptise people into His Name.

Sounds almost as if they are carrying out the Great Commission, fulfilling Jesus’ prediction about their future.

If we’ve seen anything over the past weeks, it’s this. When God tells you something is going to happen, you can take it to the bank. In good times and in bad, regardless of whether the authorities endorse your message or persecute you because of it, God’s promises are rock-solid security.

He doesn’t promise us a stress-free lifestyle with no hardships or suffering. He doesn’t assure us that everyone will like us and embrace our message. Instead, He promises that He will never leave us. We’ll never have to face the suffering alone. And He promises to eventually bring us home.

He has a perfect track record thus far, there’s no reason to think He’ll start breaking His promises anytime soon.




Father, I am so often tempted to put my hope in all the wrong things. I am tempted to hope in people to gain security, to hope in possessions to gain significance and to hope in position and performance to gain satisfaction. But all of these will let me down, because I can only discover these things in You, not in the world. And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You. When I am distressed and disappointed, may I hope in You; when I am betrayed and misunderstood, may I hope in You; when I lose my possessions, may I hope in You. I will exult in hope, knowing that Your promises can never be thwarted by circumstances and setbacks. You will never desert me, nor will You ever forsake me. I will hope alone in Your perfect and unchanging character, knowing that You will carry me safely to Your eternal kingdom.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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