Monday 25 October 2021

Creation/The beginning



In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In its original state the earth was empty and dark. Like a bird watching over its young, the Spirit of God hovered over the watery surface of the earth. 

God created light on day one. On day two, he placed the sky between the earth and the heavens. He made land and vegetation on the third day, and on the fourth day, he put the stars, the sun, and the moon in place. On day five, God filled the sky with birds and the oceans with creatures of the sea. God created animals on the sixth day, and finally, last but not least, he made humankind in his image. (This means they were like God in certain ways.) God enriched their lives by providing them food to eat and giving them responsibility for the rest of creation.

When God finished his work, he saw that everything he had made was perfect. There was absolutely no defect in his creation. He rested on the seventh day and set it apart as a day to rest and to remember that God is the creator of the universe. 

The Lord God planted a garden in Eden and made Adam the caretaker. He made all kinds of trees grow in the garden, and in the middle of the garden he designated two trees as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. The Lord gave man permission to eat from all the trees in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He warned Adam that if he disobeyed by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would immediately die spiritually and eventually die physically. 

The Lord allowed Adam to name all the animals so he would realise none of them were made like him. But the Lord also knew Adam needed a wife. When Adam fell into a deep sleep, the Lord made a woman from Adam’s rib. When Adam woke up, he was thrilled. The woman was perfect. Adam called her ‘woman’ because she was made from his side. God united them in marriage, and though they were naked they did not feel embarrassed or think about exploiting each other. 

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