Friday 29 October 2021

Descendants from Cain to Noah

 Cain married, and his wife had a son, Enoch. Instead of accepting his punishment, Cain started a city in the east and named it after Enoch. Enoch had several sons, including Lamech. Lamech married two wives, Adah and Zillah. Jabal, his son by Adah, became the first shepherd, and Tubal-Cain, his son by Zillah, was the first to make tools of metals. 

Lamech killed a man who offended him. Knowing he might be held accountable, he boasted to his wives that if anyone tried to punish him, he would kill that person as well. 

Eve had another son. She named him Seth, which means ‘in the place of’ (because Cain had killed Abel). During the lifetime of Enosh, Seth’s son, people began to worship the Lord through prayer and sacrifice. 

Adam lived for eight hundred years after he became the father of Seth. He was 930 when he died. The descendants from Adam to Noah lived for hundreds of years, but they all eventually died just as the Lord had said they would. There was one exception. Because Enoch was fully devoted to the Lord, God suspended the penalty of death and took him from the earth. One of Adam’s descendants, Lamech, had a son at age 182 and named him Noah, which means ‘comfort’, because he hoped his son would bring relief from the harsh struggle of living under the curse on the ground. 

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