Sunday 3 October 2021

Revelation day3

 The apostle John was old and tired when he wrote Revelation. He had given his entire life to serving and following God. He had literally walked with the Lord, listening as his Rabbi and Friend told astonishing stories. He watched as Jesus performed unbelievable miracles, wept as Jesus died and rejoiced as Jesus reappeared. He joined the others in their initial confusion over Jesus’ final departure. He was in the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit came like the sound of a rushing wind and tongues of flame landed on everyone’s head. 

He had spoken in a foreign language on the Day of Pentecost.

He had been in Jerusalem when news about Stephen’s death was reported, and when Paul and Barnabas and Peter reported about what God was doing among the Gentiles. 

He had taken care of Jesus’ mother, Mary. And he had gone to Ephesus and served the Christians there. 

Now he was old and he was tired. 

It’s easy to imagine him sitting on that hot rock in the middle of the Aegean Sea. Did he ever wonder if it was all real? Had it really happened the way he remembered it, or had the sun baked his brain into thinking these things? It had all been so long ago. 

What John needed more than anything else was Jesus. 

The churches in Asia Minor were discouraged when they received their letter from John. They had given time and energy and money to serve and follow God. They had listened to John recount these stories. They had witnessed their fair share of miracles. They had wept and rejoiced, celebrated and mourned. Lately, though, there had been more grief than anything. They were confused and wondered whether or not Jesus would ever actually come back. 

Maybe John was wrong about all this. Maybe he hadn’t seen it. Maybe he was so old that his thoughts were jumbled up. It had all been so long ago. 

What those seven churches needed more than anything else was Jesus. 

Odds are, some people reading these words right now are old, tired, discouraged or confused. You’ve given so much and done so much. You have listened and experienced and witnessed firsthand so many things. But you have more ashes than beauty these days. And maybe you’re wondering if it all just might be too good to be true. Is this whole thing a fairy tale? Will Jesus ever come back, and will it ever balance out? 

Once upon a time, you had been so sure. But that was so long ago. 

What you need more than anything else is Jesus. 




O Lord, there are times when I allow fear and doubt to grip me and cause me to wonder about the reality of my faith. But then I remember Your faithfulness to Your people from the beginning; Your redemptive plan that consummated in the cross of Your Son; His unique life and miracles and teachings and resurrection; and Your great works of provision, protection, comfort and guidance in my life. When I call these things to mind, I can affirm that nothing in heaven or on earth can separate me from Your love in Christ Jesus. Knowing that I am in Your grip, I can be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in Your work, knowing that my toil is not in vain. You will continue to make me more like Your Son, and no loss or grief in this present world can even be compared with what You are planning for those who love You. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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