Tuesday 26 October 2021

Promise of a nation day2

 Nothing is impossible with God. God can do absolutely, positively anything. The things you think will never happen in a million years can be accomplished in the blink of an eye with God.

Of course, God is also one of the most frustrating people you’ll ever meet. He rarely does things when you think He will. He operates on some other-worldly timetable that frequently has you checking your watch, wondering if He’s ever going to show up.

Some people say, “God is an 11:59 God.”

Abraham probably would have said, “God is a 12:15 God.”

Here’s the truth. God does what He wants when He wants. He will not be rushed by our impatience, but He will not be slowed by our resistance either.

Sometimes slow, sometimes fast — this God is frustrating, alright. But He’s good.

And did I mention that He can do anything? You name it, He can do it. Water in the desert? Just you wait. Food to feed the masses? No problem. He made everything there is, and He started with nothing. If He can do that, then taking a skeptical, old, barren couple and turning them into a great nation is a snap! He can even bring people back to life. Anything you can ask or imagine, He can do and go one better, beyond your wildest dreams.

He can do absolutely anything.

Except one thing. He can’t lie. Once He gives his word, He can’t go back on it. If He says something’s going to happen, take it to the bank, because He simply cannot tell a lie.

It may not happen when you want it or the way that you want it. It may not look like you thought it would. But if God makes a promise, He delivers.

Of course, Abram didn’t know this. God didn’t have much of a track record yet, and Abram hadn’t heard countless stories that attest to the power and faithfulness of God.

But you have.

So, what’s your excuse?

God can accomplish far more than you can think of asking Him. He’s made all sorts of promises to you about being with you and enabling you to do hard things and protecting you and providing for you. His sense of timing is different from yours. His idea of protection and provision may be different from yours, but His faithfulness and power will more than make up for any delays or discomfort you experience.




Dear Lord, Your ways are past finding out. Just when I think I understand Your direction, I discover that a new level of trust in Your purposes is necessary. As I look back, I realise that You have never let me down, though it often appeared that way when I was going through the trials. As I look ahead, I rest in Your good will for my life. Mine is only an illusion of control — all things are really in Your hands. Like Abram of old, You change my name and my destiny, and You call me to a country and to a promise that seems impossible to fulfil. But by Your grace, I will believe that what You say is true, even when it makes no sense to me. You have called me to trust in You, not to understand all Your ways. Nothing is impossible with You, and I will confidently hope in what You have promised

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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