Thursday 28 October 2021

The consequences

 When the Lord asked Adam if he eaten the forbidden fruit, Adam tried to blame Eve. He said it was her fault. She had given him the fruit. The Lord then asked Eve what had happened, and she blamed Satan. She admitted Satan had deceived her. 

Because Satan had taken the form of a snake to deceive Eve, the Lord cursed both the snake and Satan. The Lord said Satan would be humiliated and he would grovel in dust like a snake crawls on the ground. The Lord also predicted there would be a constant struggle between the followers of Satan and the descendants of the woman, but one of Eve’s descendants would eventually crush the head of Satan.

As a consequence of her disobedience, the Lord said Eve would suffer pain in bearing children, and Adam and Eve’s marriage relationship would suffer from a sinister conflict. Eve now would have a sinful desire to control and manipulate Adam, Adam would attempt to dominate and exploit Eve. 

Because Adam had listened to his wife and had eaten the forbidden fruit, he would always struggle to eat. The soil of the earth would become his enemy, it would produce thorns and thistles. Adam would die and his body would return to the ground from which he was created. 

But the Lord was also kindhearted to Adam and Eve. He covered their nakedness with the skin of an animal. Because of their sin, Adam and Eve forfeited the opportunity to eat from the tree of life, so the Lord expelled them the garden and ordered angels to guard the tree of life. 

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