Thursday 17 March 2022

Jesus drives out fear



“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”



There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.

1JOHN 4.18


Based on MATTHEW 14:22–33


The disciples had no reason to expect Jesus to walk on the stormy water toward their fishing boat. As far as the disciples knew, Jesus had sent them off to the other side of the lake while He stayed behind to pray on the mountainside, as was His custom. They likely didn’t expect to see Him until later the next day, when He’d be able to catch a ride across the lake. He hadn’t given them any indication that He was going to meet them at sea. So when they see a person walking on water, they understandably conclude it is either a ghost or an angel.

Jesus anticipated their reaction. After all, He had seen them from the mountainside, being tossed about by the waves. He could have calmed the sea from His spot on the mountainside. He could have miraculously sped the boat to shore (as we find out, He in fact did, upon entering the boat, Jn 6.21). But He chose this very method of appearing to them, knowing full well how they would react. It’s not surprising, then, that His first words to them are, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” They were, after all, quite afraid. But Jesus’ greeting doesn’t just mean “It’s Me, Jesus.” Jesus is making a very clear identity claim to be God in flesh, taking on God’s name as He had revealed Himself to Moses, I am.

This revelation explains Peter’s enthusiasm to walk on water, especially within the broader context of Scripture. After all, Moses had demonstrated God’s deliverance by leading the people across the Red Sea, and Joshua likewise led the people across the flooded Jordan at God’s command. So Peter demonstrates his faith in Jesus by asking to participate in this miraculous moment of divine revelation, he wants Jesus to command him to walk toward Him on stormy waters.

This act of faith tests Peter’s trust in Jesus, but also offers to reinforce the disciples’ belief in Jesus’ God-claim. If Jesus really is who He says He is, then He will do what only He can do.

There is Peter, rocking on his feet as the waves soak his robe, awaiting Jesus’ command. Then Jesus commands calmly, confidently, “Come.”

Peter climbs out of the boat, one tentative step in front of the other, the sloshing waves becoming like packed dirt under the soles of his sandals. Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he keeps walking toward Jesus. Incredible! Truly this Man is who He says He is! Imagine, as Peter’s eyes lock on Jesus, and he shakes his head incredulously. This is really happening!

But out of the corner of his eye, Peter sees the violent winds whipping up the waves, the physical circumstances threaten his burgeoning faith. Faith turns to fear as the water turns liquid under his feet. Peter begins sinking. Death is imminent. “Lord, save me!” he cries out.

Immediately, Jesus reaches out. “You of little faith,” Jesus says, as He hoists him out of the water. “Why did you doubt?” The water becomes solid under their feet as they walk back to the boat.

Even after Peter’s sinking faith, Jesus offers him the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk on water — this time not toward Jesus, but alongside Him, free of fear because of Love Himself.

The apostle John picks up this motif in his verses to believers, “In this world, we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us” (1Jn 4.17b–19).

Jesus doesn’t require steadfast faith to ensure His steadfast love. He continues to love despite our failings and our doubts because Jesus’ perfect love drives out fear.




Creator God, You are the One who spoke this world into existence. You’re the same One who spoke peace over the storm that night and the One who commands the storms in my life. Forgive me for doubting Your power and Your love. I’m so grateful that Your love for me is not dependent on my faith in You. Continue to drive out any speck of fear in my heart. Help me trust You wholeheartedly and step out in faith when You call me to walk with You. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen.


If you want to read more 


Exo 14–15, Josh 3.1–16, Isa 41.10, 43.1–2, Jn 6.16–21, 1Jn 4.11–19

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