Tuesday 8 March 2022

Jesus is kind



Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!”



There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.

1 JOHN 4.18


Based on MARK 1.29–34


News of Jesus spread quickly throughout the Galilean countryside, and people were flocking to Jesus, bringing their loved ones who were sick and demon-possessed, hoping that finally they would find relief.

And here comes a man with leprosy — an untouchable in Jewish society. No one brought him to Jesus. It’s likely he hadn’t felt a human touch in years. No hugs after a long day of work. No sympathetic squeeze around the shoulders. No friendly handshakes. After all, anyone who touched a leprous person contracted temporary ritual impurity, which was quite the inconvenience. In addition, to avoid accidental run-ins, leprous people had to yell out, “Unclean! Unclean!” wherever they went.

Can you imagine? The shame, the loneliness, and the isolation must have been devastating.

But this man hears there’s a certain Jesus who’s been traveling around towns healing people. So he gathers his courage and makes his way toward Jesus, cautiously avoiding contact with the crowd. Jesus is surrounded by people on His left, His right, in front and behind. But finally, the leper sees an opening. Seizing his chance, this man rushes to Jesus and falls on his knees.

“If you are willing, you can make me clean.” It’s not a request. It’s a statement of fact. This man had seen Jesus heal others, and he knew Jesus could do it. But would He want to? Would His kindness extend to a leper? A loner? An unclean outcast?

Hear the fear in his voice.

And then see Jesus’ unthinkable generosity that goes beyond what is expected.

A simple word from Jesus could have healed the man. But Jesus saw beyond the man’s skin disease into the loneliness of his heart. And He was moved with compassion. Literally, the phrase means His intestines were twisted in response to what He saw. He had a guttural physical reaction to this man’s brokenness, and He did the unthinkable: He reached out and touched the man.

The crowds must have gasped.

There are no words to describe what the man must have felt. The warm touch of another human’s hand on his skin, the first voluntary contact since his diagnosis, the touch of God Himself.

“I am willing,” Jesus said. And He didn’t just say it. He showed it. “Be clean!” He exclaimed, and immediately the leprosy left the man and his skin was clean.

Jesus didn’t have to do it that way. But His love compelled Him to kindness, to reach beyond the man’s body and heal his heart with the kindness of a human’s touch.




Lord Jesus, You showed incredible kindness to this man two thousand years ago, and You continue to shower Your generosity on me through Your Spirit and Your body. I want to be part of that love in action. Take my body, my hands, my arms, and use them today to show Your love toward someone who’s wondering today if You’re willing to show them kindness and love. Make me part of Your resounding “yes” in someone’s life today. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen.


If you want to read more 


Lev 13.1–14.32, Isa 53.4; Eph 4.32

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