Saturday 26 March 2022

Lent week 5 Suggestion box

 Lent Week 5 Suggestion box

Craft paper crowns from craft paper to represent the crowns of righteousness Jesus gives us in exchange for our sins (Isa. 61.1–3). Write the word “righteous” in bold lettering and decorate with stickers and jewels. Wear your crown to remember what Jesus accomplished on the cross.

Bake homemade (or store-bought) soft pretzels. Tradition has it that pretzels were invented by a sixth-century Italian monk who twisted scraps of dough to resemble arms crossed over the chest in prayer. While the pretzels rest, read Luke 22.39–46 and John 17 and discuss Jesus’ time of prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. While they bake, spend some time in prayer.

Drink no beverages but water for the remainder of Lent, and donate the money you save on coffee or other drinks to an organization that provides clean water to impoverished communities.

Post homemade Easter greeting cards to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members to spread the joy of Jesus’ resurrection hope. Pray for them specifically this week.

Buy or make your own resurrection eggs to creatively retell the story of Easter. Each plastic egg contains an item that corresponds to a moment of Holy Week (e.g., a small leaf for Palm Sunday, a coin for Judas’s betrayal, a ritz cracker for the Last Supper, a piece of cloth for foot washing, etc.).

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