Saturday 5 March 2022

Lent week 2 Suggestion box

 Lent week 2 Suggestion box


Memorise John 3:16, reciting it in the car, at mealtimes, and at bedtime. Write it on sticky notes, personalising with the words “God so loved YOU that He gave …” Leave in random places (like public toilets, park benches, Laundrettes) as a reminder of Jesus’ great love for all.


Fill a simple jar with prayer requests on pieces of paper or craft sticks. Designate a day of the week as your special prayer day, and spend time praying through one or more of the requests. These can be general requests (like orphans, widows, missionaries, government leaders, etc.) or specific requests (like the names of friends and family who are unsaved, sick, deployed, or going through hardship).


Plant a resurrection garden. Lay a small clay pot on its side in the centre of a large dish and then cover the pot’s sides and top with dirt, leaving the opening visible. Plant grass seeds and decorate with rocks, twigs, moss, and other items of your choice. Place your resurrection garden in a sunny spot next to a window and water lightly with a spray bottle each day. During Holy Week, craft three small crosses out of twigs and plant on top of the “hill.” Cover the pot opening with a large stone on Good Friday, and then roll it away on Resurrection Sunday, filling the pot opening with fresh flowers.


Craft a Passover lamb for your Lenten station. Print out an image of a lamb and use it as a template to cut from cardboard. Wrap white yarn around the cardboard lamb and secure it tightly. Read Exodus 12:1–13 and discuss how Jesus demonstrated His love by becoming the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.


Create a Lenten station to store your crafts throughout the Lent season. Set out a simple tray in the kitchen and add our Ash Wednesday jar, prayer jar, offering jar, crowns of righteousness, Passover lambs, and other crafts as we make them. Try doing this. Then throughout the week, pick up one of the objects and use it as a prompt to retell the story of Jesus.

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