Saturday 19 March 2022

Lent week 4 suggestion box

 Lent week 4 suggestion box

Download gospel-centred Easter colouring pages and listen to an audio reading of Jesus’ final days, His death, burial, and resurrection as you colour

Give up a luxury during the remainder of Lent, like dessert, fancy drinks, clothes shopping, or entertainment. Invite your family to join you, but please don’t make this obligatory. Rather, model the joy of giving up a good gift for the purpose of discovering the better gift of Jesus’ sustaining presence.

Sponsor a child with the money you save by fasting, and pray for them each week. Consider also writing them a letter once a month and mailing them an Easter colouring page.

Read aloud books that share deep theological truths about Easter in age-appropriate ways. Examples could be The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones or The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross by Carl Laferton.

Write out a family intention of Lent to remind yourself of the purpose of this season. Answer the question: “Why do we observe Lent?” It could be a simple answer like, “We observe Lent to become like Jesus and to walk closely with Him,” or your own personalised Lenten family intention. As a visual reminder of your Lenten intention, fill a small plate with sand and stones to remember the Israelites’ wanderings because of their disobedience (Josh 5.6) and Jesus’ forty-day wilderness testing and obedience (Mt 4.1–11).

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