Tuesday 12 April 2022

Jesus honours His mother


When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

JOHN 19.26–27

Based on JOHN 19.23–27

Few things compare to the pain of watching a loved one suffer, unable to lift a finger to alleviate their agony. If you could take their place, you would. And yet, you can’t.

We can only imagine Mary’s pain as she stood at the foot of the cross, close enough to hear her firstborn Son’s every rasping breath, to see the blood coming from His broken body, to witness His humiliation as He hung naked. The anguish must have pierced her heart, and the words of the prophet Simeon may have come to mind, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too” (Lk 2.34–35).

How did Mary first react when she heard the old man speak those words in the temple courts all those years ago? Sleep-deprived and still reeling from the birth, Mary must have been shocked by the unexpected prophecy. But having cherished all these moments in her heart, she likely remembered those words as she grieved not far from her beloved Son.

Yet despite her soul-crushing desire to alleviate her Son’s pain, the opposite actually takes place, Jesus takes her suffering on Himself and extends His loving care toward her. He sees her, and He speaks to her tenderly, “Woman, here is your son,” He says, indicating the disciple He loved who was standing nearby. “Here is your mother,” He says to John.

After hours of brutal torture and humiliating ridicule, Jesus locks His gaze on the two people He loved most, and ensures His mother would be well cared for. For yes, Jesus was a rabbi and the Messiah and the true King of Israel. But He was also a Son, and He honoured His mother even in His death, perfectly fulfilling every letter of the law. This particular instruction is especially poignant in light of Jesus’ rebuke of the Pharisees for neglecting to care for their parents in their self-righteous religious zeal (Mk 7.9–13). Jesus would have none of that. Honouring our heavenly Father flows into honouring one’s earthly parents as well.

From this exchange, we surmise that Mary was a widow, and as the oldest son in a Jewish family, it was Jesus’ responsibility to care for His mother. Jesus provided Mary with someone who would care not only for her physical needs, but for her spiritual and emotional needs, especially in the days following His death. She would grieve deeply, and she needed someone who loved Jesus deeply to support her in the days to come.

Hanging on the cross, Jesus fulfilled His last duty toward His mother, thus demonstrating steadfast love toward her, honouring her even moments before His death.


Jesus, You never cease to surprise me with Your outpouring of love. I want to love and honour my parents and those older generations You’ve placed in my life. Show me how to love older men as fathers and older women as mothers, giving proper respect and honour to those who have lived longer than me. Help me model a humble and selfless love toward them, so that younger generations may watch and learn Your love through me. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

If you want to read more 

Exo 20.12, Deu 5.16, Prov 23.22, Mt 15.1–9, 1Tim 5.1–8, Jam 1.27

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