Wednesday 13 April 2022

Jesus offers hope


Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

LUKE 23.42–43

Based on LUKE 23.32–43

One of the most surprising conversions in the New Testament is that of the criminal hanging beside Jesus on the cross.

To fulfil Old Testament prophecy, Jesus was hung between two criminals, though we don’t know for sure what their crimes were, we do know that crucifixion was reserved for the most heinous offenders.

These two men on Jesus’ right and left were no tender folk. In fact, Scripture records that they were both heaping insults on Jesus, joining the crowds in charging Him to get off the cross and save Himself — perhaps them too.

But at some point, one of the criminals stops jeering and realises that the man hanging next to him is, in fact, the Son of God.

He and the other man were dying rightfully for their crimes, but this man, he realises, is innocent.

When did he recognise he was wrong in his mockery? And what emotions would have flooded his soul? Shame? Humiliation? Grief? Fear?

He turns to the other criminal and rebukes him. “Don’t you fear God?” he asks. “This man has done nothing wrong.”

And with the most simple prayer of faith ever spoken, he turns to Jesus and asks Him to remember him when Jesus comes into His kingdom. How and when that would happen, he was unsure. But he realised who the victor was, and he wanted to be on His side in the end.

It is surprising to see such an abrupt turn from scoffing to supplication.

Would Jesus acquiesce?

Each breath would have been laboured, as they pulled themselves up to fill their ragged lungs. We can imagine the criminal waited to hear Jesus’ reply — each word deliberate—each breath piercing.

“Truly … I tell you …”

What? What is Jesus going to say? Will He call down fire from heaven to burn up this criminal? Or will He show mercy even in His dying moments?

“Today you will be with me in paradise.”

Jesus accepted the criminal’s last-minute faith, showing that as long as you have breath, it’s never too late to turn to Him.

But what’s more, the criminal had asked only to be “remembered” when Jesus begins His reign. But Jesus goes above and beyond the criminal’s request, promising that he will join Jesus in paradise, not at some distant point in the future but “today.”

Because to Jesus, no one is beyond hope of salvation. And because of Jesus, we have hope to the very end of our days.


Lord Jesus, You are so, so good. You were merciful toward that criminal on the cross, and You are merciful with me today. Thank You for such undeserved love. I confess my sins to You and receive Your forgiveness. May I walk in the joy of Your presence today. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

If you want to read more 

Isa 53.12, Mk 15.32, Eph 3.20

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