Saturday 9 April 2022

Lent week 7 Suggestion box

 Prepare a Passover Seder to commemorate the special meal that Jesus and His disciples ate on that last night. You can make it a simple family meal or an extravagant fellowship event.

Wash each other’s feet using a large bowl, a kitchen towel, and a pitcher of water. Read John 13.1–16 and discuss how Jesus wants us to serve one another in love.

Discuss the Last Supper while breaking bread and drinking grape juice together. Take turns reading Luke 22.7–20. You can also mould play-dough into a loaf of bread and a cup to remember the elements of communion. Place them out to dry at your Lenten station.

Consider a total or partial fast on Good Friday, from Thursday dinner until Friday dinner, to commemorate the suffering of our Lord Jesus. Use the time you’d typically spend preparing food and eating to read the crucifixion account in the gospel of your choice. Invite family members to participate as they are able and willing.

Turn off the lights from 3 p.m. on Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday morning, to symbolise the spiritual darkness that covered the earth during Jesus’ death. On resurrection morning, flip on the lights in all the house to symbolise the bright glory of Jesus’ resurrection.

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