Tuesday 28 November 2023

Advent 2023 part 2

 Has the enemy asked for an audience? wondered Michael as his hand moved instinctively to his sword. Not likely. This summons to the throne must have to do with the Door and a coming visitation to earth. 

As Michael drew near to the throne room, his path led him past Recorder, the most ancient of all the angelic host. Recorder had been created an instant before all other angelic beings so that he might witness and then record all events.

“I have been summoned to the throne, Recorder.”

“Yes, I know,” responded the ancient being with a certainty bequeathed only to this most venerable of the angels.

“For what have I been summoned?” asked Michael.

“It have not been given me to know. But that something quite awesome is about to happen is a certainty.”

“Do you know what this momentous thing will be?” Michael asked. 

“Whatever it may be, I know only this. It will change everything.”

The archangel considered Recorder’s reply for a moment, then moved toward the throne room, there to disappear into the outer edges of unapproachable light. In a moment Michael would find himself in the vortex of glory.

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