Friday 24 November 2023

The life of Christ. Intro and Luke 1.1-4

 God entered the world, this is the central truth of the life of Jesus Christ. God entered the world in the person of Jesus. Jesus came from heaven and made His entrance into this world in a lowly stable. God became a man in order to bring men and women to God. Our study of the life of Jesus Christ begins naturally with His birth and childhood, but it really begins in eternity past, because Jesus is more than just a man. He is God in the flesh, deity incarnated.

The incarnation of Jesus Christ was that historical event in which God took on a human nature. God and man were forever joined in one person, Jesus Christ.

Luke 1.1-4

Of the four Gospel writers, Luke especially wanted to establish the historical nature of Jesus' life. Therefore, Luke began his account by assuring his readers that he himself had “carefully investigated” everything he wrote about. He gathered his information about Jesus' life from a variety of eyewitness reports and presented these accounts in an orderly fashion. Luke was a meticulous historian, so we can be sure that what he wrote is accurate. In fact, all four Gospels provide inspired, accurate accounts of the life of Jesus Christ.

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