Wednesday 29 November 2023

Jesus is the Creator

 For by Him (Jesus) all things were created, in heaven and on earth.   Colossians 1.16

‘Creator' means the one who made everything 

It was completely quiet. Then, a voice like a mighty waterfall filled the emptiness, “Let there be. . .” God’s words started it all. Words created the universe. God needed nothing to make everything. He said, “Let there be” light, darkness, heaven, earth, water, land, plants, animals, and people, and they appeared. And He said they are good.

God created everything except Himself. God is not created, He is the Creator. God has always been and always will be. God is eternal, which means without beginning and without end. This is hard to imagine. But when our imaginations fall short, wonder and amazement for God rush in to fill the place. When you think, “Wow, isn’t God amazing?” you are worshipping Him with awe, wonder mixed with respect that comes up as faith in our hearts. The more you think big thoughts of God, the more you worship Him. The more you worship God, the more you see His invisible presence everywhere.

And guess what? There is another amazing thing for us to know about this Creator God. The Bible tells us in Colossians, chapter one, it says this that all things were created by Jesus, and for Jesus.

Another name for Jesus is CREATOR! Jesus did not begin in Bethlehem as a baby. Jesus has always been, even before Bethlehem. Jesus was at Creation because He created it!

Have you ever yelled in triumph, “First!” in a race? Well, Jesus, along with God the Father and God the Spirit could say, “I was first!” or even, “I have always been!”

The next Bible verse says, “By him all things hold together.” He does not need ropes to tie the grass to the ground or glue to keep the lion’s mane on his head. How does Jesus do that? Only He knows, but isn’t it wonderful? Doesn’t it fill you with awe as you think, “wow, impressive”? By God the Son's power, everything, from the tallest mountains to a grain of sand, holds together every second of every day. Without Creator Jesus, everything in creation would simply fall apart.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit (Us) create the universe and people.

Genesis 1.1, 26

What are you thankful that Jesus holds together?

If Jesus holds all things together, what might you think or feel when things seem to be falling apart?

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