Thursday 30 November 2023

Jesus is the Saviour

The Father has sent His Son to be the saviour of the world

1 John 4.14


A saviour is one who rescues from ruin or death


Adam and Eve were the first people God created. Unlike the rest of creation, God formed Adam and Eve a bit like Himself with expressive words, creative ideas, and eternal souls that could be with Him forever. God calls this being made in His image. Adam and Eve lived in a perfect place called the Garden of Eden. They were to take care of the garden.

Having a choice over which tree to pick dinner from was fun. Creating pretty garden paths was a blast. Yet, the best times were when God came to them in the cool of the day. They felt loved, happy, and free. God had only one simple rule, not to eat of one particular tree. Without worry, pain, or sickness, life was comfortable and joyful. The plants were bursting with food and flowers. The animals bounded up the moment Adam called. Life with God in the Garden of Eden was perfect.

One day things changed. An evil creature named Satan slithered into the garden looking like a snake. He tempted Eve with lies about God. He said God was a liar and that God kept good things from Adam and Eve. With just a few words, Satan captured their minds and hearts. They believed the lies of a created snake over the truth of their Creator God.

When people sin, they think or act as if they know better than God. When people sin, they tell God they do not trust Him or believe that He loves them. Adam and Eve sinned. What looked like just a bite of fruit was really a heart against God. As they crushed the fruit with their teeth, sin crushed their relationship with God.

Have you ever worked hard and created something amazing? How would you feel if someone demolished it and then covered it in black paint? God can understand this. All of creation, beautiful stars, mountains, beaches, lions, flowers, and people, are His work. With Adam and Eve’s bite, sin came into God’s creation and began to wreck it.

Sin made things worse, bit by bit. The lions did not come when called. The bushes barely had a flower. Adam and Eve hid and began to feel fear, pain, and shame. Worst of all, they could no longer feel God’s love, joy, and freedom. Adam and Eve needed a Saviour to rescue them from their ruined relationship with God and their ruined life.

God knew the best thing for His people was a close relationship with His care, His comfort, His provision, His joy, and, well, Him. They would never be truly happy, truly themselves, without Him. All people need rescue from sin's ruin. People need a Saviour. God promised Adam and Eve He would send a Saviour that would crush the snake’s head and so crush all sin, too.

Jesus is the promised Saviour, the only one who can take away the sin that stains creation and demolishes our relationship with God. When someone believes Jesus, Jesus takes away their sin, and God the Father will be close to them again. Jesus is the only one who can get sinful people and holy God back together. Jesus is the one who can rescue us from ruin. Jesus is the Saviour.


After sinning, Adam and Eve did not go to God, but God came to them.                                                                Genesis 3.8


What lies did Satan tell Adam and Eve?

What lies do kids tell themselves about God when they disobey Him?

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