Thursday 30 November 2023

Advent 2023 part 4

The two archangels approached that mysterious place, the sealed and silent Door. There, the two creatures of light waited. After a long moment the ancient portal began to open. Hurriedly Michael sheathed his sword. This was the one place in all the universe he dare not show force, for just beyond the Door stood creatures that not even archangels dared challenge.

Michael was the first to catch sight of the mighty cherubim. Both archangels trembled at the sight of these guardians of the Door. Ever since the Great Tragedy these fierce beings had stood just outside the Door as protectors of the entrance to the heavenly realm. And as if their presence alone were not enough, before them whirled a sword of fire and wrath.

The creatures turned to face the archangels. The circling, whirling sword slowed, the flame dimmed slightly.

The cherubim stepped back. The Door lay open and unprotected. Michael moved onto the threshold of the Door, his eyes starting straight ahead even a glimpse of the faces of these creatures of terror.

Having passed the cherubim, the two archangels surveyed the scene that lay before them. They could barely make out the favoured planet. A slight groan rose from within the depths of Michael's being. Truly, the skies above the blue-green planet had been turned to brass.

“It was to be expected,” sighed Michael. “It has been so long, and our enemy has not been idle. He has gained full control of the skies above the earth.”

The Door began to move, then came to rest upon the brass shield. Slowly and purposefully Michael unsheathed his mighty sword and stepped out upon the cold barrier.

“Gabriel, as I advance, and advance I will, stand just behind me until you see the green of earth come into view. The Door will follow us. When I have made a way from our realm to earth, the prayers of his people will once more rise unhindered to the ears of God. And you, Gabriel, will once more announce the will of God upon the favoured planet.”

“Make haste, Michael,” replied Gabriel, “for there is one prayer, above all others, that must get through.”

Michael moved farther out upon the floor of brass and with all deliberation cried out, “Hear me, for I am Michael! Damned, doomed enemy. . . come! Face me in battle!”

For a moment he stood motionless, his sword clasped in both hands. Then, slowly, he raised the butt of his sword above his head and rammed the blade hard into the brass.

Once again he raised the sword’s handle, and once again he plunged its point into the hardened shield.

Under the bludgeoning of Michael’s powerful thrusts, the barrier ripped open. Light shot through the darkness. From somewhere below, screams pierced the air.

The creature who bore the name Michael had just declared a one-angel war against all the powers of darkness!

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