Wednesday 29 November 2023

Advent 2023 part 3

 “Michael, I have a mission for you.” The voice of Almighty God, so familiar to the archangel yet so wondrous to hear, sent a gentle trembling through Michael’s spirit.

“The mission concerns a prayer. There is a petition being offered up to me from earth, a prayer of the highest possible import. But the passing of that prayer from earth to my throne has been hindered. Are you aware, Michael, of the hindrance?”

“Yes, Lord, I know,” Michael was about to state what he knew of this ‘hindrance', but his Lord continued.

“A long time has passed since I have spoken to anyone upon the favoured planet. You know that the Door has not been opened for many an age.”

Michael nodded as every sinew in his being grew taut with anticipation.

“Above the planet, the skies have turned to brass. This has happened but once before, as you well know. It was a long time ago that I called on you, as I do now, to open a way through the brass. On that former occasion, against all odds, you opened a way from heaven to earth. But be warned, this time the enemy will resist you with even greater fury.”

The Living God paused and spoke slowly, “The enemy will resist you, as never before”

Michael drew his sword, his eyes glistened with light. “With all eagerness and anticipation I await your word, my Lord!”

“Then go, Michael. Open a pathway from the heavens to the earth. Allow that prayer which is being offered up even now to find its way to my throne. Gabriel will accompany you. Once a way through the brass is opened, Gabriel has a message to deliver to a priest in Jerusalem. But until such time as the barrier is breached, Gabriel will but stand behind you. It is given to you alone to clear a way to earth.”

“Something momentous is about to occur, Lord?” asked Michael.

“It is.”

“And the angelic hosts, may I inform them?”

“They already know.”

“They know? Lord, what is it that we know?”

“That it is the fullness of time.”

Michael raised himself to his full height. The fullness of time, something he had always known about but did not yet understand. Majestically Michael moved his sword above his head and drew near to the presence of his Lord until both he and his sword glistened like white fire. For one brief moment the very glory of God saturated Michael.

Michael stepped back and turned to go. There was a moment's pause. Once more he faced the throne.

“The skies of brass will be violated,” he said matter-of-factly. Then after a moment of reflection he roared, “A way will be opened!”

The Lord gave a most unexpected reply to Michael's cry. “Breach the sky of brass, Michael, and breach it well, for never again will the skies above the earth be allowed to turn to brass. Never again will the enemy be permitted to erect a blockade between heaven and earth.”

Michael trembled from head to foot, and, with sword still raised, turned and cried one glad word.


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