Thursday 9 November 2023


Human relationships are fragile. Husband and wives sometimes find themselves at odds with each other, often over trivial issues. Friendships can become strained because of insensitive words or actions. When we experience a seemingly irreparable rift in a relationship, we welcome the intercession of an outside party, a counsellor, a family member, or another friend, who can help bring us back into harmony.

Our relationship with God is much like a broken relationship with a loved one. God loves us, but because we sinned against Him our relationship is severed. Isaiah 59.2 says, “Your iniquities have separated you from your God, your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.” Not only is our relationship with God broken due to sin, but according to Roman 5.10 we find ourselves in the position of being ‘God’s enemies.” Therefore, we are objects of God’s wrath, His righteous anger and judgment. If only someone could remove God’s anger and restore us to a healthy relationship with Him. In fact, that someone is Jesus Christ.

By His death on the cross Jesus removed the barrier that stood between us and God. He perfectly satisfied God’s holy justice. To use a theological term, Jesus ‘propitiated' God. Propitiation refers to the removal of God’s righteous wrath caused by our sins. It’s as if God had to turn His back on us when we sinned, but now can turn toward us with outstretched arms again. Luke 18.13 records one of Jesus’ parables in which a penitent tax collector cried out, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” The word ‘mercy’ reflects the term for ‘propitiation’. That poor man was calling out to God for mercy. He wanted God to receive him, sinner that he was, with outstretched arms.

God the Father can indeed turn toward us in mercy because Jesus Christ removed our sins. He is our propitiation, also translated as our atoning sacrifice. First John 2.2 tells us, “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins,” and 1 John 4.10 goes on to say, “This is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” These verses remind us that even though we were objects of God’s righteous anger, we never stopped being objects of His love. Because He loves us, He sent Jesus to remove the barrier that was between us. He has been propitiated. He is satisfied with Jesus’ death. Furthermore, when we have Jesus in our lives, God the Father is satisfied with us.

Do you have Jesus in your life? He died to bring you back into fellowship with God. Why not accept Him by faith today? You’ll find that God awaits you with outstretched arms!

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